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Sabina Hasanagic FHS Online Class Final Project My name is Sabina Hasanagic.

I was born in Priboj, Yugoslavia at the time being, in February 1992. Now it is called Bosnia and Herzegovina. I lived in Priboj, Bosnia and Herzegovina until I was two years old. My family and I had moved to Berlin, Germany to get away from the war that was going on in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I lived in Germany until I was nine years old. My family and I had moved to Salt lake City, Utah, United States of America when I was nine. I was born as the middle child in my family. My older sister is 4 years older than I am and my younger sister is 13 years younger than I am. There are a total of 5 people in my family. My parents, my older sister and I were born in Priboj, Bosnia and Herzegovina. My youngest sister was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States of America. I am currently attending Salt Lake Community College studying for Nursing. My older sister graduated from Salt Lake Community College for her Associates in Science Degree and is also a graduate from the University of Utah with a Bachelor Degree in Business and Accounting. In Bosnia and Herzegovina there was a war going on about religion. Unfortunately my religion of Islam was on the victim side. My family and I had to run away from the war and found ourselves in Berlin, Germany. In Germany I went to school and learned Deutch, which is the language Germans use in Germany. My family and I had a visa to stay in Germany, unfortunately the visa had expired and we had no choice but to move to the United States. In Salt Lake City, Utah I went to Lincoln Elementary School until the fourth grade. I attended Monroe Elementary School for the

Sabina Hasanagic FHS Online Class fifth and sixth grade. I went to West Lake Jr. High School for my seventh, eight, and ninth grade. I went to Granger High School for my tenth, eleventh and twelfth grade. I graduated Granger High School with a High School Diploma in June, 2010. As a young child I have learned two languages before I was six years old. I thought it was tough learning a new culture, a new language and a new way of living. The schools in Germany were really strict as were the schools in Bosnia. I had to go to two different schools. I went to German school in the morning from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. then stayed after school to do homework until 6 p.m. My sister and I went to Bosnian school from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. It was really tough trying to learn the two languages at the same time, especially when you hardly got to see your parents and barely got 8 hours of sleep. I also attended a swim team in Germany when I was in the second grade. I would go every day except on the weekend. I also had a gym class in Germany where we had to do gymnastics. I think I had a pretty tough life growing up, especially all the moving and learning new language and a new culture. The two schools together were tough enough and I wouldnt do a good job because of the lack of sleep and always being tired from the swim team and from the gymnastics. I think that moving to America made my life a lot easier especially the language was easy to catch up on. I didnt really learn from the schools the English language. I mostly learned it from watching television and trying to read signs. I think that my life now is a lot better because I have finished High School and I am in college trying to get into nursing school.

Sabina Hasanagic FHS Online Class When I was in Granger High School I was in the wrong group of friends which made me rebel. Usually teenagers at this age would rebel from everything, school, community and family. According to Invitation to the Life Span, Bickering is mostly common with adolescents and being rebellious is part of a phase until they are 18. I would bicker with my parents because I thought it was cool and also because my friends did the same to their parents. In this stage of rebel I was withdrawn from my family, my religion and my community. As I got older and wiser I understood why I was being rebellious; I was with the wrong group of friends that made me rebellious. I am attending Salt Lake Community College for Nursing. I am currently working at Willow Wood Care Center as a CNA Coordinator. By going to school and learning about different types of people I am more aware of how to confront people and how to act. When I finish with Nursing I am going to attend at the University of Utah for my Doctorate Degree so I can be a doctor and help people that need help. That is my passion in life to help people. Working as a CNA, which is a Certified Nursing Assistant, I am even more motivated to go to become a doctor, because I help people with the simple things in life such as the activities of daily living which includes; bathing, dressing, and feeding. I love my job and what I do. Working at Willow Wood Care Center has changed my life in a good way. I am more patient with people, I have more respect toward the elderly and it is one of the motivations to keep going to school and accomplishing everything I want to accomplish in life which is to become a doctor and help people. I believe that my life was tough to begin with and it still is tough, but that is what is making me stronger every day. I am closer to my family more than before I became a

Sabina Hasanagic FHS Online Class rebel. I do regret rebelling the way I did. By rebelling it only made me hate myself that had affected my family and my religion. I am also closer to my religion and my familys values. I am helping the community by donating clothes to the Desert Industries and by helping out at the Road Home Homeless shelter, downtown Salt Lake City. I am proud of where I am today and where I am heading. I love being closer to my family because in the end they are the only ones there in the end.

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