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Jessica Castronovo April 10, 2013 Lesson: Surface Tension Approximate Length: 40 Subject: Science _ Water Instructional Objective

Students will be able to make discoveries pertaining to surface tension and will compare the affects of plain water to those of soapy and salt water. Common Core Standards 5.1.P.B.2 Use basic science terms and topic-related science vocabulary. 5.1.4.D.2 Work collaboratively to pose, refine, and evaluate questions, investigations, models, and theories. Materials (Per Group) 2 pennies, 2 droppers, 2 paper towels 3 cups of water (regular, soapy water, and salt water) Surface Tension worksheet for Water Log Anticipatory Set Connection Today we are going to explore something known as surface tension. Procedure Set students up for the activity by asking them to meet with their partner. Ask: How many full drops of water do you think can fit on a penny? Record guesses on board One partner should gather all necessary materials following my directions 1. Make sure your pennies are dry & place it on a paper towel 2. Drop one drop of water about 1cm above the penny 3. Observe the shape of the penny 4. Wait for my next set of directions Fill out the Plain Water section of the Surface Tension worksheet all together Instruct students to continue dropping water on their pennies. How many drops can you fit? Record on board Introduce surface tension - Causes water to stick together and try to form a ball - Appears as a skin - Liquid pulls itself together into the smallest possible area, forming a skin-like surface Record definition on Surface Tension worksheet

Next, introduce soapy water 1. Place 15 drops of pure water on your penny 2. Place ONE drop of soapy water on the dome 3. Observe what happens 4. Describe and record what happens Next, introduce salt water 1. Place 15 drops of pure water on your penny 2. Place ONE drop of salt water on the dome 3. Observe what happens 4. Describe and record what happens Closure Clean up Students return all materials and wipe down their tables Assessment Discussions and answers/drawings on worksheet Were students able to explain surface tension?

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