Observation Notes

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Observation Notes Date: Jan 15, 2013 PD 6 Algebra I Teacher: Lesson: Unit 8 Extended Factoring Intro: CT reviewed questions

from previous lesson and answered questions from students. Some students had a hard time determining when extended factoring was to be used and teacher clarified. Developmental: CT continued lesson on extended factoring with several examples completed using the document camera and class white board. Some students were off task and causing slight disruptions, CT moved one student to another seat to mitigate disruptions on the class. Several students ask questions on the topic and CT clarified. Individual Practice: CT assigned homework with approximately 20 mins left of class. He circulated, grading homework from the previous lesson and answering questions from the current homework. Most students were on task and many were able to complete their homework. Reflection: This was an effective lesson and the overwhelming majority of students were able to demonstrate understanding by completing all or most of the practice problems. The teacher used the projector to present powerpoint slides directly on the white board, which allowed him to write on the board next to the slide, an effective technique. The teacher responded to disruptions quickly and effectively by separating the students in question. The teacher allowed enough time at the end of the lesson for students to begin their homework, and could monitor their progress and assist as necessary.

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