World War II Project

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World War II Project

Mr. Heist & Mr. Guzman | 8th Grade U.S. History Objective: To complete a well-organized, informative project on a battle, theme, or technology from the Second World War. Your goal is to create a PowerPoint on a specific topic relating to World War II. You have the option of working alone or with a partner on this project. There will be no groups of three except under specific circumstances. Individuals will be chosen at random to select their topics from the list below. If there is something specific that is not on the list that you want to focus your project on, then you will need to discuss that with Mr. Heist at an appropriate time. When you have completed your PowerPoint we will present them in class. Topics to choose from: D-Day Battle of the Bulge Battle of Iwo Jima Battle of Bataan Naval Technology Emperor Hirohito Joseph Goebbels Battle of the Coral Sea Expectations: The PowerPoint should have at least ten slides, including a title slide with your name. The following are examples of what should be included in your presentation: Background information, description of your topic, the impact, importance, and significance of your topic, when the topic occurred, who was involved, and the most interesting thing that you found in regard to your topic. Each slide must have an image/photo on it. The guidelines to the PowerPoints are designed to provide structure but are open for you to be creative. Pearl Harbor Battle of Midway Battle of Okinawa Aircraft Technology WWII POW Camps Dwight D. Eisenhower Admiral Yamamoto Battle of Stalingrad Battle of Guadalcanal Tank Technology Infantry Weaponry Hideki Tojo George S. Patton Battle of Britain

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