Fracture Gradient - Part I

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Fracture Gradients

By Dr. Eissa shokir

Prediction of Fracture Gradients

4Well Planning 4Theoretical Fracture Gradient Determination
4Hubbert & Willis 4Matthews & Kelly 4Ben Eaton 4Comparison of Results

4Experimental Frac. Grad. Determination

4Leak-off Tests

Well Planning 4Safe drilling practices require that the following be considered when planning a well:
4 Pore pressure determination 4 Fracture gradient determination 4 Casing setting depth selection 4 Casing design

Formation Pressure and Matrix Stress

Given: Well depth is 14,000 ft. Formation pore pressure expressed equivalent mud weight is 9.2 lb/gal. Overburden stress is 1.00 psi/ft. Calculate: 1. Pore pressure, psi/ft , at 14,000 ft 2. Pore pressure, psi, at 14,000 ft 3. Matrix stress, psi/ft 4. Matrix stress, psi in

Formation Pressure and Matrix Stress

S = P S=P ++
overburden stress (psi) pore = pressure (psi) + matrix stress (psi)

Formation Pressure and Matrix Stress

Depth = 14,000 ft. Pore Pressure = 9.2 lb/gal equivalent Overburden stress = 1.00 psi/ft.

1. Pore pressure gradient = 0.433 psi/ft * 9.2/8.33 = 0.052 * 9.2 = 0.478 psi/ft 2. Pore pressure at 14,000 ft = 0.478 psi/ft * 14,000 ft = 6,692 psig

Formation Pressure and Matrix Stress

Calculations: 3. Matrix stress gradient,

S =P+


S P or = + psi/ft D D D S P i.e., = = (1.000 0.478 ) psi / ft D D D

/ D = 0.522 psi/ft

Formation Pressure and Matrix Stress

Calculations: 4. Matrix stress at 14,000 ft = 0.522 psi/ft * 14,000 ft

= 7,308 psi

Fracture Gradient Determination

In order to avoid lost circulation while drilling it is important to know the variation of fracture gradient with depth. Leak-off tests represent an experimental approach to fracture gradient determination. Below are listed and discussed three approaches to calculating the fracture gradient.

Fracture Gradient Determination

Fmin 2P 1 = 1 + D 3

1. Hubbert & Willis:


1 P = 1 + 2 D

F = fracture gradient, psi/ft P = pore pressure gradient, psi/ft D

Fracture Gradient Determination

2. Matthews & Kelly:

K i P + F = D D
where Ki = matrix stress coefficient

= vertical matrix stress, psi

Fracture Gradient Determination

3. Ben Eaton:

P S P F = + * D D 1
where S = overburden stress, psi

= Poissons ratio

A Texas Gulf Coast well has a pore pressure gradient of 0.735 psi/ft. Well depth = 11,000 ft. Calculate the fracture gradient in units of lb/gal using each of the above three methods. Summarize the results in tabular form, showing answers, in units of lb/gal and also in psi/ft.

Example - Hubbert and Willis

1. Hubbert & Willis:


1 2P = 1 + 3 D
P psi = 0.735 ft D

The pore pressure gradient,


1 psi = (1 + 2 *0.735) = 0.823 ft 3

Example - Hubbert and Willis


Fmin =

0.823 psi/ft psi/ft 0.052 lb/gal

Fmin = 15.83 lb/gal

Example - Hubbert and Willis

1 P = 1 + 2 D


1 = (1 + 0.735 ) 2

= 0.8675 psi/ft Fmax = 16.68 lb/gal

2. Matthews & Kelly

P K i F= + D D

be In this case P and D are known, may calculated, and K is i determined graphically.
(i) First, determine the pore pressure gradient.

P = 0.735 D

psi / ft

(given )

Example - Matthews and Kelly

(ii) Next, calculate the matrix stress.

= 1.00 * D - 0.735 * D = 0.265 * D = 0.265 * 11,000 = 2,915 psi

S = overburden , psi = matrix stress , psi P = pore pressure , psi D = depth , ft

Example - Matthews and Kelly

(iii) Now determine the depth, D , where, under i normally pressured conditions, the rock matrix stress, would be 2,915 psi.
Sn = Pn + n n = normal 1.00 * Di = 0.465 * Di + 2,915 Di * (1 - 0.465) = 2,915

2,915 Di = = 5,449 ft 0.535

Example Matthews and Kelly

(iv) Find Ki from the plot on the right, for

Di = 5,449 ft
For a south Texas Gulf Coast well,

Ki = 0.685

Example - Matthews and Kelly

(v) Now calculate F:
K i P F = + D D

0 . 685 * 2,915 F = + 0 . 735 11,000

= 0 . 9165 psi / ft

0 . 9165 F = 0 . 052

= 17 . 63

lb / gal


Depth, Di



Ben Eaton:

P S P F = + * D D 1
S =? D


Variable Overburden Stress by Eaton

At 11,000 ft S/D = 0.96 psi/ft

Fig. 5-5

At 11,000 ft = 0.46

Example - Ben Eaton

From above graphs, at 11,000 ft.:
S = 0 . 96 D psi / ft;
S P F = D D 1 P + D

= 0 . 46

0 . 46 F = (0 .96 0 . 735 ) + 0 .735 1 0 .46 F = 0.9267 psi/ft = 17.82 lb/gal

Summary of Results Fracture Gradient

psi.ft Hubbert & Willis minimum: Mathews & Kelly: Ben Eaton: 0.823 0.917 0.927 Hubbert & Willis maximum: 0.868 lb/gal 15.83 16.68 17.63 17.82

Summary of Results
4 Note that all the methods take into consideration the pore pressure gradient. As the pore pressure increases, so does the fracture gradient. 4 In the above equations, Hubbert & Willis apparently consider only the variation in pore pressure gradient. Matthews & Kelly also consider the changes in rock matrix stress coefficient, and in the matrix stress ( Ki and i ).

Summary of Results
4 Ben Eaton considers variation in pore pressure gradient, overburden stress and Poissons ratio, and is probably the most accurate of the three methods. The last two methods are actually quite similar, and usually yield similar results.

Ben Eaton:

P S P F = + * D D 1
Ki P + F = D D
Matthews and Kelly:

Experimental Determination of Fracture Gradient The leak-off test

4 Run and cement casing 4 Drill out ~ 10 ft below the casing seat 4 Close the BOPs 4 Pump slowly and monitor the pressure

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