Expresiones Que Requieren El Subjuntivo o El Indicativo

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Expresiones que requieren el subjuntivo o el indicativo

The subjunctive is used after certain conjunctions of

time when the main clause expresses a future action (anticipated situation) or is a command. If they introduce one which is viewed as completed or habitual, they are followed by the indicative. Of course, if there is no change of subject involved and a preposition is available, typically the preposition is used with an infinitive.

Same subject
Use the infinitive only with prepositions (hasta,

despus) All the others you will use the indicative.

Voy a llamarte en cuanto llegue al hotel. I'll call you

as soon as I arrive at the hotel. ( I haven't yet arrived.)

Notice that the actions in the subordinate clauses

of the following examples have not yet occurred.

Vamos a la estacin ahora? Are we going to the

station now? No, vamos a esperar hasta que venga Eva. we are going to wait until Eva comes. Bueno, llmeme en cuanto ella llegue. Well, call me as soon as she arrives.


Some conjunctions of time are:

as que as soon as en cuanto as soon as cuando when hasta que until despus (de) que after tan pronto (como) as soon as

Por lo general lo hago cuando nos levantamos. I

usually do it when we get up. [Indicative]

Lo har cuando nos levantemos. I'll do it when we

get up. [Subjunctive]

Siempre me lavo los dientes despus que comemos. I

always brush my teeth after we eat. [Indicative]

Voy a lavarme los dientes despus de que

comamos. I'll brush my teeth after we eat. [Subjunctive]

Los alumnos lo repiten hasta que la profesar est

satisfecho. The students repeat it until the professor is satisfited. [Indicative] Los alumnos van a repitirlo hasta que l est satisfecho. The students will repeat until he is satisfied. [Subjunctive]



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