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3/05/2013 Production Log 2/05/2013 I did the bulk of the editing that day and was completely blown

n away how fast I managed to edit everything from the first edit to the final product! I was such a happy chappy realising I had the afternoon and the evening to work on the blog stuff.

My first challenge was adding my first edit clips into the new footage I had recorded on the Monday. So I decided to scrap all the footage that I had and start again as I had new, better ideas and more to play with than I last did. So my first step was to add the walkthrough voiceover that I filmed on the Monday with my client, then the next step after that was just to go through all my previous footage I had of all the presentations and groups and then select relevant clips in at the right time, when that area of the event was being talked about. E.g. adding a clip of the presentations being done by the different groups when Jim (the voiceover) talked about the presentations needed to be done and presented by the groups.

Then after lunch which was spent getting another copy of the film so I had two, one for my client and one for handing in for my coursework. I then went into the computer room AA18 and started working on some more blog content which I uploaded last night.

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