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Essential Questions
What o o o news story did you see that: captures your attention? connects to what we're studying in class? reminds you of something from another class?

Each week, you will spend time examining current events. You can watch TV news, read the newspaper in print or online, or listen to news radio. You should pick a story you think is of world or national significanceno celebrity or weird news allowed! You will make some notes about that story and come to class prepared to present your story. We may not get to all the stories every week, but we will have a discussion about the news and your story will likely come up. This is a great chance to practice Harkness discussion skills, listening skills, and critical thinking skills.

INDIVIDUAL 1) Current events notes that connects the event to the content or skills in one or more classes 2) In your notes, you should do the following at a minimum: a) Read the title of the article to the class i) Example: Iran Lawmakers Back Minister Wanted in Bombing b) Provide your source and the date that the article was printed. i) Example: "New York Times September 10, 2010." c) Inform the class about the content of the article. i) Don't just print out the articleshare it with us in an engaging way! d) Make a connection with the article to what we have been studying and/or to another class i) Examples: (1)I choose this article to report on because I we talked about DNA in Life Science, and this article talks about a new type of medical testing using patient DNA. (2)"This article is about childhood hunger in America, and we're doing a project about this right now." e) Be prepared to answer questions about the article from your

peers once you have finished. CHALLENGE OPTIONS a) Show a video, play an audio file, b) Bring in a visual to pass around c) Find two or more articles/video clips/audio segments that connect to the same topic, idea, or issue and report on both of them, emphasizing their connections and what you learned from them together that you wouldn't have learned otherwise.

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