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Report on Organizational Development


Mam.Rabia khand

Sidra Pervaiz (10657) Qurrat-ul-Ain (10678)


Our special thanks to MAM RABIA KHAND who arrange this project work for us. The work is done under the supervision of our worthy teacher MAM RABIA KHAND who provided us with her kind guidance at each and every step whenever we felt difficulty and she made us capable of making this project report.

Table of contents

1. Introduction to report 2. History of ZONG 3. Company profile 4. ZONG Pakistan 5. Vision 6. Mission 7. Core value 8. Goals and objectives 9. Culture 10.Focus of management Development 11.Strategic planning 12.Department and functions 13.Structure of organization 14.function of HR department 15.HR planning 16.Job analysis 17.Selection and recuitment 18.Training and development 19.ZONG Interventions 20.Recommendations 21.References

Introduction to Report
This report making of a certain selected organization was the requirement of course completion for Business Administration students of NUML MULTAN campus. This report contains a detailed overview of services & working and organztional intervention done by Zong Pakistan. Zong is an international provider of high quality telecommunication, data and media communication services. It is the subsidiary of China Mobile which is very large and well known. Its basically referred to as CM Pak i.e. China Mobile, world's largest telecom operator. Having a customer base of over 300 million customers, its network routes 700 million text messages every day and handles 250 million calls every hour.Zong Pakistan launched its operations few years back & replaced Paktel , setting precedence for further foreign investments in the telecom sector. Every one knows the role of Human Capital in the life of any organization. As present era is solely an era of Humanistic capital so the organizations focusing on people excellence are getting the competitive edge over its rival in the modern market. So being a student of HR I have analyzed major HR functions and policies of Zong Pakistan which includes: 1. Selection & recruitment. 2. Wages & incentives. 3. Performance management. 4. Career management. 5.Humanresourceplanning. 6.Training&development. 7. Job Analysis & job description. 8. Orientation. 9. Human resource information system. 10. Operations and Security.

History of Zong
Paktel is a mobile telecommunication company in Pakistan. It was the first ever company granted license to carry out cellular phone services in Pakistan, set up by Cable & Wireless. It carried out AMPS services until 2004, when the company launched GSM services as well. Its main competitor emerged in late 1990s as Instaphone and soon began to dominate the market. However after the launch and rapid success of Mobilink in 1998, both services lost market share. In 2003, Millicom, bought Paktel. Millicom installed a new management team. In January 2007 Millicom sold Paktel for $284 million to China Mobile. Recently China mobile company in Pakistan after replacing the code 0304 with 0314 now introduced its new brand called ZONG . With an introductory slogan Say everything or Sub Keh Do & started its advertising campaign at popular print & electronic media outlets.

ZONG is the first International brand of China Mobile being launched in Pakistan. It is meant to empower and liberate the people of Pakistan in every nook and corner of the country. It will become a part of their hearts, their minds and bring about a change in their lives that every one desired but few thought would be possible. The core essence of ZONG is to allow people to communicate at will. Without worrying about tariffs, network coverage, capacity issues or congestion. ZONG will be supported by ground breaking communications, trend setting customer service and an unmatched product offering which will redefine rules of the game and establish ZONG as a serious contender for the number one spot. ZONG would offer its customers with entertaining & innovative value added services and will empower them by giving a wide variety of products, services & content to choose from. They are privileged to be the pioneering country introducing this brand with others to follow. And God willing, together they will also make ZONG a success story for others to try and replicate. The Brand Zong font is futuristic depicting a clear and modern approach. It is simple and in italics, depicting the move forward, yet comes out as composed and a coherent. The new refined font couples a tinge of dexterity transforms in to a flexible outlook. The blue background gives the brand a young and fresher look, whereas the type phase, illustrates the confidence, stability and corporate image.

Color is second element in developing a distinctive visual identity; color can trigger an emotion and evoke brand associations. Zong logo is predominantly blue, red and white; the colors depict energy, youth, sophistication and optimism. Different people, different landscapes, different cultures, but one nation, one common expression, one common voice, one choice-Zong a brand that understands your needs and speaks to your mind and heart. Zong is young, progressive, energetic, genuine and honest, clearly someone from your bunch of friends, who never lets you down and deeply inclined to your side-a true companion and well wisher. Zong a fresh dynamic and customized brand befitting your lifestyle in order that you feel it as part of your life. A brand that you can always count on, sincerely, that understands your needs, wishes and desires and helps you get connected with your loved ones anywhere, anytime. So speak your heart out and be good to your expression as Zong is all set to mesmerize you with the ever-entertaining 6

The Vision
With perfect sincerity and integrity, we will strive to fulfill their triple-sided responsibilities: their economic responsibility; their social responsibility and their environmental responsibility

Mission Statement
To be leasing mobile operator in pak by continuously innovating and offering exceptional quality and service , to be a good corporate citizen and envy of friendship between China and Pakistan.

Core Value
Responsibility Makes Perfection Five Key Values 1. Trust Worthiness Trust worthiness to be promoted between employees and with customers. Building Trust and Integrity must characterize in everything we do. We want everyone who comes in contact with us to know that we do things the right way at CMPak. We work with honesty, integrity and loyalty. We don't take short cuts. 2. Respect Respect to be core part of the work environment .We treat each other with respect giving individuals autonomy, privacy, due courtesy in day to day interaction with our customers, suppliers, contractors, and of course each other. We tolerate and accept diversity. 3. Responsibility Responsibility sharing and being aware of the responsibility with in the work place and outside of it.CMPak is a much larger company today than we were. With this increased size comes the challenge of operating in a timely fashion. We must avoid bureaucratic delays in the pursuit of excellence. We must be agile enough to act faster than our competitors.

4. Communicate Openly We want good news to travel fast and bad news to travel even faster up the line. We need to be mindful of the importance of honestly communicating problems as well as breakthroughs. The sooner we communicate a problem, the easier it is for us to marshal our company's resources to solve it. We must communicate with each other at all levels fostering harmony and a culture of openness. 5. Team Work Team works culture with in the organization. CM Paks power comes from the talented people who make up our company. By cooperating and sharing our knowledge with each other seamlessly across organizations, we can make our company even stronger

Goals and Objectives

Mobile communication is now a utility. You need your mobile phone. Zong team seeks to meet consumers all communication needs by providing the best technology at an affordable price. It would be their prime objective to be rated as the best cellular service provider in Pakistan by expanding their service area to every corner of the country which is to be backed by excellent after-sales service. As a major step towards achieving their goal of expanding their services rapidly They have decided to award the expansion contract to different vendors in Pakistan. These high ambitions would certainly lead us to become a major force in the development of telecom industry in Pakistan. We know that their partners Alcatel-Lucent Technologies, Ericsson Pakistan Limited, Huawei Technologies Pakistan and ZTE Pakistan are very well-known globally for their technical expertise and professionalism. The professionals representing their Partners will help CMPak achieve its goals in the shortest possible time. Zong have completed acquisition of 100% shares of ZONG. US $ 723 million worth of FDI has already been made in the country and on top of that Theyll be investing millions of dollars in the future Let me reiterate their resolve and uncompromising commitment that China Mobile is here to stay which is why They are planning to continuously invest to improve their network coverage and quality. China Mobile has the resources and technical expertise to become one of the largest operators of the country.

As one of the fastest growing telecom company in Pakistan, ZONG is committed to attracting and retaining the best human resource from all over Pakistan. Zong offers more than a job; it offers the opportunity to realize your full potential and the pride to make dreams come true. We put forward people with talent, passion and integrity a wide range of progressive careers. If you believe in yourself and are looking for a progressive career; ZONG is your perfect destination. We assure your smile after joining ZonG family.

ZONG Culture
As a company we deliver solutions that drive business value, create social value and improve the lives of every customer (internal & external). Zong actively promotes a culture of recognizing individual's capabilities and giving boost to their enthusiasm. It allows people to make the most of their skills, personality and career. At Zong, you will find challenging projects, smart talented people with potential to make a difference and who possess the following values.

Focus on Management Development

Zong's management and organization is imbued with joint values. The Group Management has devised five leadership requirements that apply to all managers in the Group, and all management groups shall discuss what these requirements mean to them. The demands are: Passion for business. Change and constant renewal. Operational excellence. Empower people. Integrity. All managers are subject to annual evaluations based on these management criteria. Human Capital Division at Zong believes in continuous improvement and is taking the standards of service to the utmost levels of excellence. From providing the best administrative support to facilitate employees work life to creating benchmark security solutions, we are a team of enthusiastic, energetic young people who are geared to perform the best always. From being the best in providing 10

benefits to our employees to the best in providing development opportunities, we have managed to create a culture of passion for business, operational excellence and constant renewal. We are committed to assisting employees in exploring, developing and maximizing their full potential, encouraging continuing education through internal and external training and development opportunities.

Human Resource Policies

It is China Mobiles part of H.R policy to retain and recruit the local employees, which would benefit both the parties, thus they would be contributing in reducing the unemployment rate in the country by providing new job opportunities & the opportunity of training & development. They would make this company the most sought after in terms of human resource, network, and brand and customer service to begin with and show all their stakeholders that They are the best professionals in this industry and They mean business. To support and assist the local employees, CMPak would be calling in Chinese experts who possess a rich experience in the relevant fields.

ZONG in context with HRM

The HR department of zong very strong because all their employees are motivated towars their work and organization.

Main functions of HRM in ZONG

Recruitment T&D Compensation and benefit operation department

Changes have been brought in ZONG due to HRM


Employee development Employee appraisals

Issue arisen from management perspective of ZONG due to HRM

Employee satisfaction

Sources for selection and recruitment

Online selection Adds Interviews Personal references Assessment test for call center

Selection Criteria ZONG

Jobs are planned ZONG focus on internal selection as well as external selection

Orientation criteria of ZONG

Orientation is given to every employee who is new in ZONG

Training criteria of ZONG

They give training to employees both internally and externally but 50% focus is on internal training and 50% on external training. The training methods ZONG used are On the job training International training(china)

Performance measurement/appraisal in ZONG

Performance is measured on the basis of Annual appraisal 6 -MONTH appraisal

Process of performance appraisal in ZONG

Online appraisal system, managers and employees mutually understand appraisal then HR review it and give final approval

Compensation & benefits criteria in ZONG

ZONG gives Medical Bonuses 12

Allowances Travelling facilities

Structure of the Organization

In Zong the hierarchy is very lean, in general the whole setup is centralized, all the matters are to be reported to the main company and all the policies and targets are approved at the higher level. But at the department level the structure is decentralized. The human resource of Zong is highly skillful, educated and committed towards their work. Mostly people working in Zong are masters in specialized fields. According to them their human resource is their biggest assets. Human resource manager is responsible of handling any disturbances but small disputes are handled by supervisors. A continuous training is conducted inside and outside the organization to improve the skills of the employee. On achieving different target different intrinsic and extrinsic rewards are given. The job description of each and every employee is predefined. Performance appraisal is done on annual basis Important information about Zongs Human Resource Hrm participates in strategic decision making of Zong. Approximately 2000 plus contractual and permanent people are employed in Zong Pakistan in which 70% are male and 30% female employees, they are preferring young and fresh talent as they have a lot to give to an organization .Minimum salary starts from 20000 PKR.


Functions of Human Resource Department

Human Resource department of Zong Pakistan is termed as Human Capital Division. Commonly for the human resource department the main functions are performed only the selection. Recruitment and employees training. No doubt these practices are also performed by the human resource department, this is not end of the game, and these functions are the part of the activities performed by the human resource department. In Zong human resource department also performs various functions on its side. The main functions of the human resource department are, Recruitment of the employees Selection of the employees Placement of the employees. Proper job planning for the employees Guidance for the current employees Cultural Excellence (Training & Development) Compensation and benefits Operations department Organizational Development Making relationship within the organization among different department and out side the organization Performance evaluation of the employees. These are few listed functions/activities performed by the human resource department in Zong Pakistan. 14


Zong Pakistan has a skilled human resource planning department. As we know that each human resource department in any organization play key role and operate like an eye of an organization, like wise in Zong Pakistan they are performing their functions and fulfilling their requirement of the organization by matching the organizational needs with the employees skill, knowledge and ability whether these needs are identified or being demanded by any department of the Zong Pakistan. Human resource planning in the Zong is basically performing different kind of functions which are as follows,

1. Whether there is need for recruitment in the organization. 2. If there is demand from any department, they (HR department) identify the need of the department. 3. Placement of their employees. 4. Convenience to their employees. 5. Work for employees motivation. 6. Check on employees performance 7. Developing career plans for their employees.

Zong is newly born baby in Pakistan market, they have had strong competitors in their fields, and they entered in the market of telecom where already the price war (price competition) had been initiated among three pioneer companies of Pakistan, including UFONE, MOBILINK and WARID. So the human resource department has to play very important role in the Zong Pakistan in making itself a strong brand. Human resource department will continue its effort towards nurturing a winning corporate culture and building organizational capabilities by ensuring that its people will be able and willing to perform at consistently exceptional levels. Human resource department performs different kind of functions/practices in this regard to make its effort more and more effective, are as follow: Recruitment & Selection process Performance appraisal Training & Development Reward Management



JOB ANALYSIS: When hr department is asked or demand for more employees in any other department, the activity HR department performs that first they compile the whole job duties, responsibility grade, work unit and placement and afterwards they prepare the job description. Job description: A single job description is prepared for two purpose, first they use it to publish it in the local newspaper which have a nationwide network and secondly they use the same job description for the website where the online application facility for the new employment. Job description they prepare for the newspaper has a slight difference from the job description they have on their website. Job description they prepare for the newspaper is very simple.

Recruitment and Selection

Group/organization always formed with two or more than two people. For this reason hiring of the people from different sources is very necessary and important on its side. Because its (recruitment/selection procedure) performance further leads the organization to success or failure that how they are recruiting people whether it from within the organization or outside the organization. Every organization uses different kind of methods and techniques for hiring the people. In human resource language we can say that, People are most valuable assets for any organization. Zong Pakistan as it is said that they are new here in Pakistan market and they are facing too many challenges, in which the hiring of the people is very important still the activity of hiring the people is going on, the most acceptable reason for this, it is on the growth stage of its product development, we know that with the establishment of the its network they have to hire more and more workers/ executives and managers on their side. Different methods they are using for hiring their employees are as follows:


Internal recruitments:
Internal recruitment stands for the recruitment within the organization, as they are newly established business they do not have any kind of internal recruitment still they are focusing on hiring the people from outside.

External recruitment:
External recruitment stands for the recruitment of the employees from other source/externally. They perform different kind of steps in this category, For the external recruitment first the need for the new employment is created or if it is being demanded by any department. Human resource department first identifies the need of that job, particular its expenses in hiring that employee(s), time required for its training and orientation in Zong Pakistan. After the approval of the manager of human resource department, different methods they adopt for the external recruitment are as follows. advertisement through news paper advertisement through net (official web site)

Training Methods and Employee Development

The principles relating to the development of the working environment are made available on the learning portal Learn at Zong in the form of separate e-learning programs for both employees and managers. Zong believes that each individual is attributed with potentials, which can be maximized by enabling conditions favorable to their growth. It is recommended that staff gets an opportunity to engage and learn through active involvement in HRD interventions, which could include trainings, workshops, learning exposures, conferences, exchange visits etc. The staff training needs will be identified through performance development program plans in consultation with respective line managers and individual staff. Line managers will be fully responsible for ensuring their staff receives access to training and development events in areas that have been identified for them. The national HRD budget will be located. The employee upon return form local HRD event will submit


detail report outlining key learnings and use of training received in the organizational work set. Zong Pakistan is providing the training to its employees at level where the organization feels about the performance gaps especially in engineering department and IT division and level of technology does matter too. Zong at present providing the training to its employees when they introduce any kind of new technology and further more they also provide training to their employees in the call center division. Most important thing to note that Zong Pakistan is still employing the experienced people for jobs and at start they dont have any kind of formal training.

Packages & Products of Zong Pakistan

Following are the packages being offered by zong which makes them distinctive and gives them edge over the rest of their competitors ZONG Prepaid Packages ZONG Postpaid Packages ZONG Internet Packages ZONG Mobile Number Portability ZONG SMS Packages Special Offers Recharge Options



ZONG 65 Ladies and Gentlemen, we bring you ZONG 65, the new pre-paid package of ZONG that delivers 100% on economy and guarantees lowest call rates to any network in Pakistan 12 Aanay Package Talk for an entire hour - any hour, for only Rs.4.99 and for the first time in Pakistan you can change the hour everyday! 50 Paisa/Call (8 Aanay) People claim of simplicity and yet give you half the truth. Only ZONG gives you the full truth at half the price. Now make calls to any other mobile network for 8 Aanay. Free Package For the first time in Pakistan you can make free calls for life! ZONG Super Free Number That's right you can literally talk your heart out 24 hours a day everyday to that special someone - all for FREE! Break Time Offer For the first time in Pakistan, ZONG offers you the benefit of calling your friends and family freely during daytime. Aik Second Package Make call for just 4 paisas per second! Unlimited SMS Package ZONG offers unlimited message package only for 3RS per day.




"A planned change process, managed from the top, taking into account both the technical and human sides of the organization

Interventions are principal learning processes in the "action" stage of organization development. Interventions are structured activities used individually or in combination by the members of a client system to improve their social or task performance. Types of Interventions There are four types of interventions
1. Human process interventions 2. Techno-Structural interventions 3. Human Resource Management interventions 4. Strategic interventions

The following a few of most common OD Interventions, that most of the companies practice: 1. Applying criteria to goals 2. Establishing inter-unit task forces 3. Experimentation with alternative arrangements 4. Identifying Key Communicators 5. Identifying Fireable Offenses 6. In-Visioning 7. Team Building 8. Inter-group Problem Solving 9. Management / Leadership Training 10. Setting up measurements


ZONG INTERVENTION Problem and their changes according to their solutions

Problem #1 Mobile Number Migration There is a big problem that the people are having these days is that they are having a big issue for migrating their networks. They are supposed to migrate their network with not more then 1 day. But they cant get access to migrate within the time and planning They lost most of their data(contents), time and money. Solution: ZONG brings a big solution to the migration problem that the people are having there days ZONG brings 3 different type of solutions 1. Through franchise 2. Through MNP (home delivery) 1st way of migrating Through franchise every user can get access to the ZONG network by bringing their ID card copy and their SIM and can convert their network within a day without losing any information and data of their SIM. 2nd way of migrating Second way is much easier and access able to ZONG because in this way the user can migrate to ZONG network by sitting to their homes. The user can call to the ZONG helpline and ask for port their number and inform about their ID card number and their some contents for recent calls and SMS and they can get the ZONG SIM to their homes within some time period.


Problem #2 Slow and costly Mobile internet Another big issue and problem that people are having to their networks is the slow and costly mobile internet package. Solution: ZONG Internet Packages Interested in paying for the exact data volume you consume. ZONGs per MB package offers the cheapest charging unit across the cellular industry @ Rs. 15/MB + tax.To use the service Activation is as simple as the package, just dial 905 from your ZONG connection and get connected! Note Subscription charges for per hour package is Rs. 10+t Validity of Monthly Packages is 30daysMobile Internet unit is charged per 16KB After the expiry of monthly packages, standard Mobile internet charges as per the data plan will be applicable. To Activate Hourly and monthly packages dial 905 ZONG Mobile Internet Hourly package Another spectacular service from ZONG that will keep you entertained 24/7. After rocking the market with our services and all the amazing call rates, we are back with an outstanding feature for all packages; ZONG hourly based Internet package. Internet was never this economical and easy. In just Rs. 15/hour surf all you want and whenever you want! It is really that simple. Its time to step out of the bits and bytes charging domains to experience the joy and liberty of plain and real flat time based charging. And thats pretty logical too, why should you pay extra when ZONG is offering you something which youve has been looking for. To use the service Activation is as simple as the package, just dial 905 from your ZONG connection and get connected! Unlimited Internet Package For customers who want to download loads of data, ZONG offers you the first Unlimited Internet Package that you will simply love. 23

Daily Mobile Internet Package Its time to step out of the bits and bytes charging domains to experience the joy and liberty of unlimited downloading. And thats pretty logical too, why should you pay extra when ZONG is offering you something which youve been looking for. ZONG introduces the only daily mobile internet package of Pakistan. Daily Mobile Internet Package is a spectacular Mobile Internet offering that will keep you entertained 24/7. After rocking the market with our Hourly Mobile Internet Package, we are back with an outstanding package for all our internet users; ZONG Daily based Internet package. Internet was never this economical and easy. In just Rs. 5/day you can surf all you want and whenever you want! It is really that simpleUse the first 60 minutes any time during the day without any additional charges. ZONG is committed to offer such packages for customers because we know what our customers want, so here we are presenting the customers with an opportunity to just grab their cell phones, sit back, relax and experience the true spirit of mobile internet with ZONG.


Voice clarity and call discontinuity is a major issue of Zong and it can be solved by using boosters in different areas. Their emphasis is on fresh, young and energetic personnel which is good butbesides this they should train their old workers as they are assets of the organization and they understand some issues more better than the new ones. If an employee is performing dual tasks simultaneously, he/she should be well paid. In this way they can be encouraged and hence they will increase productivity of the organization. As customer is king so Customers care services should be improved and complaints of the customers should be solved in time.

Amir Malik (Senior marketing officer) Omer Farooq (Admin Dept).
Gary Dessler (2003). Human Resource Management, Florida International University, 10th Edition. Byars, Rue (2006). Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall, 9th Edition. Packages of Zong: http://www.zong.com.pk/packages.html History: http://www.zong.com.pk/vas.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/zong Pakistan www.pakistanlaw.com/mobilepolicy28012004.pdf www.cn-c114.net/576/a287756.html www.pta.gov.pk/index2.php?option=com_content&do_pdf=1&id=6 www.google.com http://www.chinamobileltd.com/


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