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Alondra Velazquez


Jessica Jimenez May Per.4

CST Reflection Graphic Organizer and Essay

About the test How did you feel before during, and after the ELA part of the test How did you feel before during and after the Math part of the test How can you and others do even better next year? Share some advice and tips you learned throughout this process. Before I felt I would tell scared because them to sleep some of it was early, eat difficult and I breakfast, was having study, review trouble the questions understanding and most it. importantly, dont cheat. During the math I would tell test I was them to Be confident that I focus and just was going to pay attention to get higher then your own test. last year After I felt worried and nervous that I Some advice and tips I learned are

The test we had were four sections math ,English,science and history

AfterI felt nervous and scared because I thought I was going to fail the test.

The test was really long it was about 2 hours. And it had about 81 questions. The test bfor me was to

Before the test I felt a little scared but I knew that I had to do better than last year. During the test I felt positive and worried and I

see what classes im going to have next year in high school.

felt like very anxious.

got a bad score.

dont be nervous and think positive.

The test we took was 4 sections math, English, science, and History. The test was really long it was about 2 hours long and it had about 81 questions. The test is to check if we have learned something this semester and all of this year, and Also what classes were going to get next year in high school. How did


you feel before during, and after the ELA part of the test

After I felt nervous because I thought I was going to fail the test. Before I felt positive on getting higher from last year.

How can you and others do even better next year? Share some advice and tips you learned throughout this process
Study harder and learn new easier skills on the questions. Be focus and just pay

attention to your own test. Some advice and tips I learned are dont be nervous and think positive, always do your best and do not cheat.

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