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Effective communication is the basic prerequisite for the attainment of org strategies & HRM .

Contribution To Real Managers Effectiveness

Net Working 11%

Routine Communica tion


Traditional Mgmt 19 %

HRM 26 %

Communication Genesis Chester Bernard pioneering Theorist in the classic Functions of the executive developed role of communication in org Makes org cooperative system dynamic & Links org purpose to human





Also interwove communication into his concept of authority

Listed seven specific communication factors that are imp in maintaining OBJECTIVE AUTHORITY in an org

1 channel definitely known

2 Should be a definite formal channel to every member 3 Line should be direct & short

4 Complete formal line should normally be used

5 Person serving as communicator centre should be competent 6 Line should not be interrupted while org is functioning 7 Every communication should be authenticated
Humanistic Interactor Interacts up down org exhibits Human oriented activities

Informal Developer
Communicates spontaneously all directions exhibits activities related to developing people

Formal Controller Uses formally scheduled communication exhibits monitoring /controlling s

Mechanistic Communicates little except on isolate formal basis

Attitudes--- ( 1 ) major role in shaping & molding ( 2 ) Facilitated by providing information

Manager spends large amount of time on communicating Goals & tasks & controlling / coordination
Communication is thus foundation on which org depends, for effective functioning Prerequisite for Inter Personal intergroup --& intra group communications s necessary for information to flow , ideas to be generated & feelings to be exchanged Deprived of communication an org cannot survive Essence of social behavior & in Knowledge Management

Meaning &Definition

Definition Understood As the process of exchanging information & understanding between people

Meaning --Definition draws our attention to three aspects----

Involves transmission & reception of messages . As communicators people use symbols , to create a message , you cannot communicate Attitudes, Beliefs, Perceptions Or Feelings but use a medium to convey what they see, feel or experience Involves People Sender( who transmits) & Receiver ( who receives ) . Traditional focus on the skills of the Sender for effective communication , Recently skills of the receiver & Art of Effective listening introduced

Process since it is Active, Reciprocal & continuous

Model Of Interpersonal Communication


CHANNEL VERBAL___ORAL Non Verbal ( body language, Tone, Touch)

PERCEIVES( hears, sees, feels ) Decodes(ascribes Meaning) RESPONDS( Ideas, Feelings & Action )




Responses( ideas,, feelings Actions ) Decodes(Meaning ) Perceives Hearssees feels)

Channel Verbal/ Non Verbal

REPLIES( Ideas, Feelings, Responses ) ENCODES ( Intended Meaning ) TRANMITS ( Through Channels}


Two Way Communication

Elaboration Of The Model Model Comprises Of Several Parts ( 1 ) sender ( 2 ) encoding ( 3 ) Message ( 4 ) channel ( 5 ) decoding ( 6 ) Receiver ( 7 ) feedback Communication Begins With Sender --- Source Intended message for sending, characteristics of the sender influence the process Senders attributes , credibility influence the way he perceives or interprets objects or events to be communicated Personality also influences perception or interpretation of objects / events to be communicated, as sensitive persons will be influenced by the receivers perspective Encodes----Necessary if communication by way of symbols Message--- Physical-Form in which sender encodes information , when we speak , speech is a message Channel --- Medium through which a message is Transmitted , can be verbal, gestures, written or electronic Decoding ---Symbols by which are interpreted Feedback--- Response of the receiver to the message, desirable to let sender know receiver correctly interprets the message Noise --- Apart of barrier to communication

Goals Of Communication

1 To Inform --- Provide info for decision making , not advocating course of action
2 To Request -- Ask for specific action by the receiver

3 TO persuade -- To reinforce or change a receivers belief about something & possible act as belief
4 TO build Relationships -Create goodwill with receiver

1 Skills org as well as Indls . Indls need support of org policies & facilities

2 Info -- Info life line of orgs .

3 Intergroup Communication between teams /groups must be smooth & clear

4 In

Significance Effective communication important for managers to carry out Planning , Org, Staffing, Control----Org have Authority, Hierarchies & formal guidelines to be followed Or ( 2 ) communicate job related issues / activity Than carrying out control functions Motivates( 1 ) helps to motivate by clarifying what is to done , performance& how to enhance it, ( 2 ) also a social interactive medium ( 3 ) unless communicated their will be no motivational effect Information ---- ( 1 ) conveys information for identifying & evaluating choices for taking a Decision Attitudes---- ( 1 ) major role in shaping attitudes ( 2 ) Molding or changing is facilitated by

Attitudes--- ( 1 ) major role in shaping & molding ( 2 ) Facilitated by providing information Manager spends large amount of time on communicating Goals & tasks & controlling / coordination Communication is thus foundation on which org depends, for effective functioning

Prerequisite for Inter Personal intergroup --& intra group communications s necessary for information to flow , ideas to be generated & feelings to be exchanged Deprived of communication an org cannot survive Essence of social behavior & in Knowledge Management

Model Of Interpersonal Communication


CHANNEL VERBAL___ORAL Non Verbal ( body language, Tone, Touch)

PERCEIVES( hears, sees, feels ) Decodes(ascribes Meaning) RESPONDS( Ideas, Feelings & Action )




Responses( ideas,, feelings Actions ) Decodes Meaning ) Perceives

Channel Verbal/ Non Verbal

REPLIES( Ideas, Feelings, Responses ) ENCODES ( Intended Meaning ) TRANMITS ( Through Channels}

Hearssees feels)


Two Way Communication

Elaboration Of The Model Model Comprises Of Several Parts ( 1 ) sender ( 2 ) encoding ( 3 ) Message ( 4 ) channel ( 5 ) decoding ( 6 ) Receiver ( 7 ) feedback Communication Begins With Sender --- Source Intended message for sending, characteristics of the sender influence the process Senders attributes , credibility influence the way he perceives or interprets objects or events to be communicated Personality also influences perception or interpretation of objects / events to be communicated, as sensitive persons will be influenced by the receivers perspective Encodes----Necessary if communication by way of symbols Message--- Physical-Form in which sender encodes information , when we speak , speech is a message Channel --- Medium through which a message is Transmitted , can be verbal, gestures, written or electronic

Decoding ---Symbols by which are interpreted

Feedback--- Response of the receiver to the message, desirable to let sender know receiver correctly interprets the message Noise --- Apart of barrier to communication

Barriers To Effective Communication

COMMUNICATION Strategies To Overcome Them

Sender Related Barriers COMMUNICATING GOALS / SKILLS Interpersonal Sensitivity, Differing frames of ref,Non verbal signal, fear , senders credibility, diction Senders responsibility

Goals, Language , Empathy, Credibility, Feed Back, Face To Face Communication, Redundancy, Trusting Climate

Situation Oriented Barriers Info overload , Jargon, Time Pressure , climate , distance , noise, Mechanical collapse, Murphy Law

Receivers responsibility

Receiver Related Barrier Selective/ Poor Listening, Evaluating Source , Perceptions Feed Back, Meta Communications

Listening Avoid PrematureJudgement

Responsive Feedback

Communication Barriers Senders Related

Goal---- Must have A Goal Or Objective Of Communication, Lack can lead to formulation iof incoherent message Skill---Clarity , otherwise different meaning conveyed Interpersonal Sensitivity---- The motivational level of the recipient important, also the sensitivity of the person e.g. Offensive Language Different Frame Of Reference--- Encoding / decoding based on common Field of reference, lack of commonality leads to miscommunication Either/Or Thinking---Early life a person imbibes polar terms like near/far & so on , speaks with this reference. Also a position of either leads to adopting a position where compromise or empathy not possible---places rigidity in communication Fear Leads to loss of balance , communication can suffer or at times improve Sender Credibility Attitude the receiver has on the senders reliability& trust, affects interpretation of message

Expertise, Integrity are some factors which influence

Filtering Senders manipulation of the message sp that it is received favorably More levels more the filtering, also status differential e.g. Telling your boss about a problem

Receiver Related Barriers

Receiver equally responsible for the communication , effective if receiver evinces interest Also provides feedback. Barriers are --Selective / Poor Listening---Refers to the tendency of listening to what you want to hear, disregard unpleasant information or that which causes cognitive dissonance or threatens self esteem Poor listening also distorts communication six habits affecting communication are ( 1 ) Faking Attention ( 2 ) concentration on minor issues miss out major ( 3 ) Refusing to listen to unpleasant news ( 4 ) Premature evaluation ( 5 ) distraction ( 6 ) concentrating on delivery not content Evaluate Source---Tendency to evaluate sender not message Perception 1 Stereotyping---Tendency to classify/categorize based on trait, looses objectivity necessary for effective communication 2 Projection---- perceptual process by which we project own thoughts, affects as perception mirror image not actual 3 Halo Effect --- distort communication by coloring judgment Lack Of responsive Feedback ( 1 ) Non response or inappropriate feed back discourages sender ( 2 ) Non response indicates lack of trust whilst inappropriate response affects relations

Mete Communication---Additional idea accompanying every thought expressed e. g. workers-l

Situation Related Barriers

Information Overload more messages than capacity , leads to errors & biases Time Pressure---Causes poor communication as it prevents sender from providing adequate info thus superficial communication Communication ClimateTrust & confidence provides positive response , if incomplete will fill in with favorable interpretation bad environment leads to distortion

Over coming Barriers

Senders Responsibility 1. Setting up Communication Goals ( 1 ) Depending on purpose mode should vary ( 2 ) if only dissemination a message will do ( 3 ) if purpose is to change attitude or opinion of the receiver the purpose should be emphasized 2. Practice Empathetic communication ( 1 ) sender must understand the receivers frame of reference ( attitudes, assumptions beliefs 0 to understand how it is received ( 2 ) this type of communication requires sender to place himself in the receivers frame of mind 3. Improving Communication Credibility ( 1 ) Expertise & trustworthiness are determinants of ones credibility , trust relates to practicing what is preached ( 2 ) credibility can be increased by improving expertise & trust by transparency in behavior. 4. Encouraging Feedback (1) Encouraged by obtaining an accurate feedback (2) Promotes 2 way communication Receivers Responsibility

Receivers Responsibility 1. Effective Listening (1) Not merely absorbing info; It means being emphatic, sensitive & attentive (2) Affects attitude & behavior & Opinions (3) When people listen with sensitivity they convey what they feel or think 2. Barriers to effective listening :

(1) Physiological limitation: Inability to grasp info, inadequate background info, selective memory
(2) Fear of being persuaded or prejudiced (3) Selective perception Factors Influencing Org Communication Formal Channel Of Communication--- Communication that is endorsed & controlled e. g. Minutes. Influences communication in two ways 1 ) cover an ever widening distance as org develop & grow e. g communication more difficult to achieve in a large conglomerate 2 ) Can inhibit free flow of information among org level e. g . Assembly line workers convey problems to supervisor not manager

Authority Structure

Job Specialization 1 Separates people in the organization as jobs are separate identifiable collection of activities 2 Once separated people tend to develop own interpersonal style & acquire own perspective of the org goals & means to realize them

3 Job specialization facilitates communication within differentiated groups-share same jargon

Goals , styles Information Ownership 1 Individual possesses unique information of own job , HOD having own way of resolving conflict 2 Such info a source of power , able to do better than own peers 3 many individuals with skills & knowledge unwilling to share info , stifles communication

Managing Director


Marketing Manager

Production Manager

Quality Manager

Down Ward Flow Corresponds to chain of authority, purpose to convey job related info & meeting expectations of superiors

Absence results in Ambiguity, Stress & anxiety . Typical downward communication includes Groups Meetings / maintenance Groups. Five specific reasons for, DOWN Wards communication
( 1 ) Specific Job Directive ( 2 ) Job Rationale ( 3 ) Feed Back ( 4 ) Procedures/practices ( 5 ) Indoctrination Of goals

Distortion Of Down Ward Communication Misinterpretation of Communication

Message Overload
Timing Filtering Improving Down Ward Communication--- Managers must

Specify an Objective for communication

Make sure of The contents of the communication contain qualities like accuracy , Specificity & no hidden Meaning Employ best technique to get message across to the receiver

Upward Flow
Designed to provide feedback on how org functioning Encourages employees to participate in decision making process , provide ideas Also feedback on how well subordinates have understood downward communication Enables supervisor to know subordinates to diagnose misrepresentations Also discussing first symptoms of tension & subordinates views more visible Most common methods are , Suggestion Box, Grievances Meetings Open Door Meeting

Distortion Upward Communication

Basic problem stems from nature of hierarchal org , Managers used to directing , Controlling , not listening to them Filtering of info may also take place, subordinates will not send unpalatable message upwards Subordinates not only convey what superiors want to hear , also what they want them to know In general employees fear to express true feelings , Boss perceived untrustworthy

Org also at fault , instead of soliciting info , adopt open door policy expecting voluntary info

Improving Upward Communication

Encouraging listening , building trust , responding to messages , Also practices like Grape Vine, Grievance systems , & Job Satisfaction surveys. Four prevalent strategies are

Open Door Policy---( 1 ) attractive in theory , indicates willingness to communicate ( 2 )

Climate of trust prerequisite ( 3 )Alternatively is management by wandering around Participation In Casual MeetsSocial, Sports Employee Letters

Suggestion Schemes

Lateral Communication
Also called Horizontal, takes place between peers, needed to achieve cooperation between among group members & between work groups Provides emotional & social support, contributes to development of friendships & informal workgroups

Purposes served By Horizontal Communication ( 1 ) Task coordination ( 2 ) Problem Solving ( 3 ) Info sharing ( 4 ) Conflict Resolution Problems in Horizontal Communication Too much may weaken structure ( 2 ) departments generally do not share info ( 3 ) job specialization makes departments islands in itself , little in common ( 4 ) management may not encourage informal communication

Improving Horizontal Communication

Excessive use weakens the structure , too little lads to rigiditybalance essential, have flexible procedures Rivalries & competition can be overcome by having task forces composed of employees from different departments , working on a common problem & viable solutioncooperative not competitive Diagonal Communication ( 1 ) between managers & members of other work groups ( 2 ) manager needs cross functional communication regarding own area of function e. g. Cost Accountant with plant person regarding cost data ( 3 ) Not formally structured but exists External Communication--- Between Manager & outside agency, busy enterprise needs to decentralize outside channels e. g . Maintenance Spares

Communication RolesSpecific functions an individual serves in an org communication networks constitute Roles. Major roles are

Gate Keeper ( 1 ) an individual who passes info to others or controls messages like Exec secretary ( 2 ) gate keeper who has the ability to control info or time its release , actually controls the final decision , wields power
Liaison Role Serves as communication link , facilitates effectiveness

Isolates ( 1 ) Very little contact/ conflict with others like night guards ( 2 ) those who do not socialize like Grape vine etc ( 2 ) Psy/ social isolation
Cosmopolites (1 ) communication network ex tends into external environment , likeky to change jobs frequently Communication Policies & Audit Policy ---An org communication policy states ( 1 ) set of objectives that an org wishes to achieve through communication ( 2 ) Guidelines or decision to be applied to decision making about communication related issues ( 3 ) combination of both Audit

--- A tool for auditing communication policies, networks & activities ( 2 ) when a audit is used org communication is viewed as a group of factors related to org goals Means of achieving goals , org specialists at times minimize imp of goals & stress on the process . Audit should stress on communication as ameans to overall goals

Four major networks need to be audited 1 Regulative or task related network pertaining to policies , procedures & superiorSubordinate related activities 2 innovative network includes problem solving & suggestions for change 3 Informational instructive network includes company publication , grapevine , Bulletins 4 Integrative network consists of rewards/promotions & items that link enterprise goals with Personal needs Communication Audit is a tool for analyzing the relationship of communication to managerial functions Audit should be used not only when a problem arises but also preventive , based on Questionnaire/observations Each report should be finalized in writing , reporting current state of communication & whether org goals are being achieved Informal Communication Grape vine( 1 ) found in every org ( 2 ) natural employees will discuss matters of mutual concern , info travels faster ( 3 ) spontaneous thus intrinsically more satisfying & credible viz formal ( 4 ) where censoring / filtering occurs more informative Methods are ( 1 ) cluster ( 2 ) chain ( 3 ) gossip

Case Study Indane Biscuits is located in a n Industrial Area . The biscuits factory employees labor on daily basis . The Management Does not follow statutory regulations & are able to get away with violations by keeping the concerned inspectors in good books The factory has a designated room to which the employees are periodically called either to hire or fire As apart of national safety Day the Industries Association of which the Indane Biscuits is a member decided to celebrate collectively at a central place . Each of the members was given specific tasks The Personnel manager decided to consult his supervisors & inform every body them regarding the Safety Day celebrations .He sent them a memo requesting them to be present in the room meant for hiring & firing . As soon as the supervisors read the message they got panicky thinking it is their turn to get fired. They started having hush hush consultations. The workers also learned about & since they had a score to settle with the management , they extended their sympathy & support to the supervisors. As a consequence every struck work & the factory came to a grinding halt In the meantime the personnel manager was unaware of the developments & when he came to know he immediately went & tried to convince the supervisors about his purpose of inviting them & the reason why that room was chosen. It was because no other room was available. But the supervisors & workers were in no mood to listen The MD rushed to the factory but could not convince the workers . Matter was referred to the Labor Department. The enquiry resulted in irregularities getting exposed , & heavy penalty imposed. The Personnel Manager was sacked & the factory opened after negotiations & settlement Q1 Identify the communication Barrier Q2 Identify the flows of communication in the Indane factory ( Q3 ) what role did grapevine play

Positive aspects of informal communication Grapevine is an effective tool for developing corporate identity , building team work , motivating people Supplements normal channel to make it comprehensive Degree is measure of the firms vitality . Lively grapevine replaces the deep psy needs of info sharing about group members , company center of interest

Positive contributing is speed of spreading message

Criticizes that controversial message is spread which can be damaging

Case Study Communications

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