Codices Activity

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Codices Activity APA.

org Source PURPOSE: Bring awareness to abuse of elderly, how to understand what may be going on in the minds of the abuser SPONSOR/OWNERSHIP: American Psychology Association AGENDA: Information on elder abuse and the struggles of private agendas vs helping someone who is the victim of abuse. EDITED/WRITTEN LEVEL: Well written and edited. AUDIENCE VEIWPOINT: No it is not extreme. PROOF: References at the end with links. CONTACT INFORMATION: can be contacted through TIME RANGE: 2003(oldest info) to 2012(newest info) CREDIBILITY VS RELIABILITY: APA is a well-known organization and is very reliable. COMMON SENSE: Seems very well written and reliable. *Great source, pass! Short PBS Documentary PURPOSE: Enlighten people about abuse of elders in un-seemingly horrible homes. SPONSOR/OWNERSHIP: PBS Documentary AGENDA: Abuse needs to be reduced EDITED/WRITTEN LEVEL: Well put together documentary. AUDIENCE VEIWPOINT: Not extreme or hostile. PROOF: Yes there is proof of sources. CONTACT INFORMAITON: PBS TIME RANGE: N/A COMMON SENSE: Good, well written documentary. CREDIBILITY VS RELIABILITY: PBS is credible

*pass Center on Elder Abuse Fact Sheet PURPOSE: Statistics on elder abuse in nursing homes and assisted living centers. SPONSOR/OWNERSHIP: Center on elder abuse organization AGENDA: Giving statistics on elder abuse with no bias and straight facts. EDITED/WRITTEN LEVEL: Written well AUDIENCE VEIWPOINT: No extreme tone PROOF: sources cited CONTACT INFORMAITON: yes TIME RANGE: 2012 CREDIBILITY VS RELIABILITY: credible sources and government sites COMMON SENSE: Sources are there and seems to make sense. *pass

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