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Rachel Long March 17, 2013 English 1102 Andrew Brown For my project I would like to focus my research

on the treatment of elderly individuals in the United States, and particularly how it relates to abuse among the elderly population. This is a subject that is not often touched upon and I would like to learn more about it. I would like to use this as my subject because it is something that I have had personal experiences with in my life. Both of my grandfathers spent time in a nursing home. While we were very involved in their care many individuals do not have that support. As a certified nurse assistant I have seen many elderly individuals who have no support beyond the nurses that care for them. During my training I had to participate in clinical at a facility where I saw several patients treated without the dignity and respect they deserve and it is something I will never be able to forget. I know that elderly abuse is more common than most people think, and I believe that it probably happens more to people who are in long term care facilities. I also know that elderly abuse is not just physical abuse but it often involves emotional abuse. I also know that the elderly are not given as much respect in America as they are in some other countries. I know I will find research sources because I have already found many sources while deciding if this is what I would like to do my research on. It is a subject of interest to many people in medicine, psychology, and sociology, so a fair amount of research has been performed.

My idea should be approved because it is something that I have a lot of interest in. This is a subject worthy of attention. As a certified nurse assistant working towards a degree in nursing it would benefit me to learn more information concerning the treatment of the elderly in America. It also has a direct relation to power since the caregivers of the elderly are in powerful positions and the elderly themselves are often in very powerless positions.

As I mentioned earlier hope I will gain knowledge that will help me to be a better certified nurse assistant and in the future a better nurse. I hope it will help me to recognize situations were abuse is occurring and know better ways to prevent it, since as a nurse assistant I am in a position where I can be a positive influence.

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