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zero elevation What is Zero suppresser and Zero elevation in level transmitter?

It relates to the value corresponding to 4 mA in your transmitter range. If your 4 mA point is above zero, e.g. range of 48.75 to 50 then you are doing suppression. If your 4 mA point is below zero, e.g. range of -50 to -48.75 then you are doing elevation. Elevation and suppression are chiefly used in differential pressure measurement since this make it possible to measure liquid levels with wet legs and remote seals etc. and was a "big deal" in analog days. These days it is all done in software and nobody ever asks for it anymore. You will find that the capability of a transmitter to do elevation and suppression was stated in % and relates to rangeability (turndown). A popular old pressure transmitter had a 6:1 rangeability and therefore used to sport 600% elevation and 500% suppression. These days most pressure transmitters have capabilities in order of several thousand percent so it is never even discussed. In signal conditioners in general, zero suppression and zero elevation refers to lowering (suppressing) or raising (elevating) the nominal "zero" output such that it is not at zero volts (or milli-amps). A typical application for this is where it is desired to use an instrument which produces a +/- 10 volt signal, and take this signal into a 0 - 10 volt input. To use the full measurement range, you would need to "elevate" the zero point to +5 volts, and rescale the range to fit within 0 to 10. If you are mounting the transmitter below the datum line of the tank, the transmitter signal will go above 4 mA when the High side impulse line fills up and this will give a zero error compared to the tank actual zero level. So you have to suppress that head pressure. This is done by adjusting the signal to 4 ma. This is zero supression. Similarly if you mount the transmitter above the datum line you have to raise the signal from 4 ma to avoid the error when the hi-side impuse line fills up. This is zero elevation. But if you are using a transmitter with HART protocal you can do this just by changing the cal range using the HART communicator.

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