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The various algorithms and the architecture which are proposed in this paper are simulated using the

OPNET Modeler tool (MIL3). The considered IP traffic sources are listed in priority order as follows: Voice over IP, Video Conferencing, Telnet, Web Browsing, E-mail, File Transfer. Voice over IP is modelled by a Constant Bit Rate (CBR) source with mean traffic rate of .11.6Kbit/sec, Video Conferencing is modelled by a VBR (Variable Bit Rate) so urce with mean traffic rate of 74.1Kbit/sec (low quality video conferencing) mod eled with exponential distribution. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and Telnet appl ications are modelled by a Pareto packet interarrival time distribution , E-mail is modeled by a Log2-normal packet interarrival time distribution and Web Brows ing application is a ON OFF source with a Weibull packet interarrival time distr ibution [7]. Each traffic flow type is controlled by a DLB. The simulation scenario consists in 10 STs transmitting from a single spot-beam (i.e., using the same uplink) towards a gateway. The maximum transmission capaci ty of each ST is 18 time-slots per uplink frame (about 500 kbps); each ST avails of a statically assigned bandwidth share, while the remaining transmission capa city can by dynamically requested: each ST sends its bandwidth request to the NC C according to the BoD algorithm, then the NCC divides the available bandwidth a mong the STs on the basis of the received requests and sends the bandwidth alloc ations. If the total amount of the requests is greater than the available bandwi dth, the rate assigned to a certain ST is likely to be less than the requested o ne (congestion state); on the contrary, if it is lower, the leftover available b andwidth is equally distributed among the STs (free capacity assignments). Four scenarios have been simulated, with different traffic loads on the uplink: on av erage, 75%, 90%, 95%, 98% of the uplink capacity is requested by the STs. Obviou sly, the occurrence of free capacity assignments decreases with the uplink load, while the occurrence of congestion states grows. Three different simulations pe r scenario have been set up by considering different shares of statically assign ed time-slots per uplink frame (fixed capacity). In the first simulation, 4 time -slots arestatically assigned; since each time-slot transport an MPEG-2 packet ( 1600 kbpd), in this simulation the fixed capacity is about equal to the RT traff ic load. In the second and third simulations, the fixed capacity is 5 and 6 time -slots per frame

Model ID Product Release Submitted by Date 601 Modeler 7.0B PL20 Francesco Delli Priscoli Download


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