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Oracle Forms: How to Read data from an Excel Spreadsheet into a Form using WebUtil

I just want to make it clear up front that I am NOT the author of this information. I am simply embellishing (a little) and publishing an existing My Oracle Support document (How to Read Data from an EXCEL Spreadsheet into a Form Using WebUtil Client_OLE2 [ID 813535.1]). Why am I doing this? Because, this is a fairly common request in the Oracle Technology Network forums and not everyone there has a My Oracle Support account and I feel this information should be published openly on the Internet. Having said this, lets get down to business and create a form that reads data from Excel into a Forms Data Block.

Description of included files: 1. create_planets.sql script to create the table used by this sample code 2. planets_ole_excel_read.fmb sample form which demonstrates the concept 3. planets.xls Excel (version 2003) sample spreadsheet Setup steps: 1. Log into your database and run the create_planets.sql script 2. Ensure your environment is properly configured to run WebUtil. This document does not cover this configuration there is plenty of information available in the OTN forums as well on the Internet that covers configuring WebUtil so I will not included it here. 3. Place planets.xls some place on the client computer. I have modified Oracles original form to display a File Select dialog rather than hard code the file name and location in the code as Oracle demo did. 4. Ensure you have configured the Forms Builder to allow running a form from the Forms Builder. This document does not cover how to perform this configuration. 5. Run the form from the Forms Builder or on the client computer and push the Read from Excel button. Choose the planets.xls file from the Select Client filename to Open dialog and the data will be read from the Excel spreadsheet into the form. You can then push the save button in the toolbar to commit the data to the table. Here is the code behind the Read from Excel button with some explanatory comments:
DECLARE application workbooks workbook worksheets worksheet worksheet2 cell args cell_value num_wrkshts wksht_name eod Client_OLE2.Obj_Type; Client_OLE2.Obj_Type; Client_OLE2.Obj_Type; Client_OLE2.Obj_Type; Client_OLE2.Obj_Type; Client_OLE2.Obj_Type; Client_OLE2.OBJ_TYPE; Client_OLE2.OBJ_TYPE; varchar2(100); NUMBER; VARCHAR2(250); Boolean := false;

Author: Craig J. Butts

Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

Oracle Forms: How to Read data from an Excel Spreadsheet into a Form using WebUtil
j integer := 1; v_fName VARCHAR2(250); BEGIN -- Get the name of the file to open --v_fName := 'D:\MyDevelopment\Forms\Samples\WebUtil\Read_Excel\planets3.xls'; -- My Way: Use a File Open Dialog to let the user select the file. v_fName := WebUtil_File.File_Open_Dialog( directory_name => 'C:\' ,File_Filter => null ,Title => 'Select Client filename to Open.' ); -- Make sure the user selected a file IF ( v_fName IS NOT NULL ) THEN -- The following sets up communication with the excel spreadsheet -- --------------------------------------------------------------- Open the OLE application application := Client_OLE2.create_obj('Excel.Application'); -- Keep the application hidden Client_OLE2.set_property(application,'Visible','false'); workbooks := Client_OLE2.Get_Obj_Property(application, 'Workbooks'); args := Client_OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST; -- Open the selected File -- ---------------------Client_OLE2.add_arg(args,v_fName); workbook := Client_OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(workbooks,'Open',args); Client_OLE2.destroy_arglist(args); worksheets := Client_OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(workbook, 'Worksheets'); -- Get number of worksheets -- -----------------------num_wrkshts := Client_OLE2.GET_NUM_PROPERTY(worksheets, 'Count'); worksheet := Client_OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY( application,'activesheet'); --Go to the first record go_block('planets'); first_record; -- Loop through the Block and create a new row if needed. loop If :system.record_status <> 'NEW' then create_record; end if; -- Exit when the last row of the spreadsheet is reached. exit when eod;

Author: Craig J. Butts

Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

Oracle Forms: How to Read data from an Excel Spreadsheet into a Form using WebUtil
-- Loop through the spreadsheet and get cell values for k in 1..3 loop --3 fields per record -- You have to know fields there are args:= Client_OLE2.create_arglist; Client_OLE2.add_arg(args, j); Client_OLE2.add_arg(args, k); cell:= Client_OLE2.get_obj_property(worksheet, 'Cells', Client_OLE2.destroy_arglist(args); cell_value :=Client_OLE2.get_char_property(cell, 'Value'); -- Check for End of Data if upper(cell_value) = 'EOD' then eod:=true; Message('End of Data'); exit; end if; -- Copy the value from Excel to the Forms block item -- This is how the Oracle example copied values /*if k =1 then :dept.deptno:=cell_value; end if; if k =2 then :dept.dname:=cell_value; end if; if k =3 then :dept.loc:=cell_value; end if; */ -- This is my way; which is more efficient and less code copy(cell_value,name_in('system.cursor_item')); next_item; end loop; --for j:=j+1; end loop; --main loop -- Release the Client_OLE2 object handles IF (cell IS NOT NULL) THEN Client_OLE2.release_obj(cell); END IF; IF (worksheet IS NOT NULL) THEN Client_OLE2.release_obj(worksheet); END IF; IF (worksheets IS NOT NULL) THEN Client_OLE2.release_obj(worksheets); END IF; IF (worksheet2 IS NOT NULL) THEN Client_OLE2.release_obj(worksheet2); END IF;


Author: Craig J. Butts

Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

Oracle Forms: How to Read data from an Excel Spreadsheet into a Form using WebUtil
IF (workbook IS NOT NULL) THEN Client_OLE2.release_obj(workbook); END IF; IF (workbooks IS NOT NULL) THEN Client_OLE2.release_obj(workbooks); END IF; Client_OLE2.invoke(application,'Quit'); Client_OLE2.release_obj(application); ELSE Message('No File selected.'); message(' '); RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure; END IF; END;

Author: Craig J. Butts

Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

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