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Multicultural Speech Project

For this project, you will present a four-minute speech, without props, to your class from one of the Multicultural Speaking Competition topics: When does a migrant become an Australian? Asylum Seekers Peace and Harmony Getting a multicultural education Many languages, one land Religion Connecting communities The same but different Un-Australian Racist jokes arent funny The content of your speech should show your research by focussing on: demonstrating an understanding of what multiculturalism is in Australia; and how multiculturalism impacts on 21st Century Australia through your topic choice. To be persuasive, your speech needs to have: a clear opening statement that introduces your point of view; arguments supporting your opening statement that are backed by evidence; and a conclusion that re-emphasises your point of view. Your speech needs to have: a clear, organised and logical flow (you can use palm cards) that sticks to the time limit; a balance of personal opinion and researched information; a balance of humour and sincerity; and delivered in a relaxed, clear and confident manner.

Check out our classroom resources on for information about writing and delivering speeches. Project Due Date: Friday, 17th May, 2013 (Speeches to be held after this date).

Multicultural Speech Rubric Requirements Time Limit

4 Minutes is the required time

Name: 4


Presentation is under 4 minutes (3:10-3:50) or over 4 minutes (4:10-4:50). Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 90% of the time. Speaks clearly and distinctly most (95100%) of the time, and rarely mispronounces words.

Presentation is 3 (3:00-3:10) or 5 (4:50-5:00) minutes long.

Presentation is less than 3 minutes or longer than 5 minutes. Volume often too soft to be heard by all audience members. Often mumbles OR can not be understood OR mispronounces many words.

Presentation is close to 4 minutes (3:50-4:10).

Volume and Speaks Clearly

Uses voice projection, clear and articulates words without mumbling

Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members throughout the presentation. Speaks clearly and distinctly all (95-100%) of the time.

Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 80% of the time. Speaks clearly and distinctly most (85-94%) of the time. Mispronounces some words.

Posture and Eye Contact

The way you stand Looking relaxed Confident Good eye contact around the room

Stands up straight, looks relaxed and confident. Establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation.

Stands up straight and Sometimes stands up straight establishes eye contact with and establishes some eye everyone in the room during the contact. presentation.

Slouches and/or does not look at people during the presentation.

Content (Persuasive)
Topic researched Authoritative voice Emotive language

Sustained and effective use of persuasive language and argument that is authoritative, emotive and appeals directly to the audience. Shows a full understanding of the topic. Speech is organised, logical and stays on topic all (100%) of the time.

Uses some persuasive language and argument to persuade the audience effectively, but its use is not sustained. Shows a good understanding of the topic. Speech is organised, logical and stays on topic most (9099%) of the time.

Uses some persuasive language and argument to persuade the audience, but appears to have only a limited understanding the topic.

Uses limited or no persuasive language OR provides no arguments to support their case OR has no understanding of the topic.


Speech lacks organisation, is a list of ideas OR only stays on topic some (75-89%) of the time.

Speech has no structure and it is hard to tell what the topic was.

This project is designed to meet the following outcomes:



TS3.1 Communicates effectively for a range of purposes and with a variety of audiences to express well-developed, well-organised ideas dealing with more challenging topics; and TS3.2 Interacts productively and with autonomy in pairs and groups of various sizes and composition, uses effective oral presentation skills and strategies and listens effectively. Credit to Mr Rees Class Blog, for the general outline of the marking cr iteria.

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