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Muatan formal

09.43 Susilo tri atmojo No comments

Muatan fMuatan formal adalah muatan yang dimiliki oleh atom-atom yang terdapat di dalam suatu molekul atau ion poliatomik apabila atom-atom tersebut dianggap memiliki keelektronegatifan yang sama. Besarnya muatan formal (QF) dapat dihitung dengan persamaan berikut:

Dimana : NA = Jumlah electron valensi NLP = Jumlah pasangan electron bebas NBP = jumlah pasangan electron ikatan
Contoh 1 H2O

Muatan formal atom O : QF (O) = 6 4 - x4 = 0

Muatan formal atom H : QF (H) = 1 - x 2 = 0

Contoh 2 : SCN

Muatan formal atom S : QF (S) = 6 4 - x 4 = 0 Muatan formal atom C : QF (C) = 4 x 8 = 0 Muatan formal atom S : QF (S) = 5 4 - x 4 = -1

What is the formal charge of CO3?

Answer: -2

The carbonate ion [CO3 2-] has an overall charge of -2. In the carbonate ion, the carbon atom is bonded with a double bond to an oxygen atom, and with single bonds to two oxygen atoms.

The formal charge on each of the atoms can be calculated as follows Formal charge on an atom in a lewis structure = total number of free atom - (total number of non-bonding electrons) - 1/2 (total number of bonding electrons) Now formal charge on carbon = 4 - 0 - 1/2 (4) = 0 Formal charge on oxygen bonded with the double bond = 6 - 4 - 1/2 (4) = 0 Formal charge on oxygen atoms bonded with single bond = 6 - 6 - 1/2 (2) = -1

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