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by: Ade Hikmaturraydah Yusuf Wendy Febrina Yuli Kartika Rahayu

What is forgiveness?
Forgiveness is a bridge that carries us over the hurt we have experienced, leading us to a life of greater peace and acceptance. Forgiveness means making a commitment to ending the feelings of anger, resentment or hatred that are harboured towards that individual.

Navigating the Path

Forgiveness is a path to be walked. There are steps along the way:
Loss Anger Acceptance Learning Forgiveness Restoration

How to Forgive


Saying what you did was okay?

Telling the offender I forgive you?

Waiting for an apology?

What if I choose to forgive?

Freedom from resentment and anger Reduced depression, anxiety, pain Improved relationships Psychological well-being

How do you know you have forgiven?

What if I refuse to forgive?

Remain tied to past hurts Frequent feelings of anger or hostility Chronic depression or emotional pain Unable to change or move on

What if you can not be forgiven?

Talk to someone wiser than you Recall someone whom you have hurt and put yourself in his shoes Pray that you may forgive Let time heal your wounds

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