H+I Bird Listings 2009-2013 240413

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Bird species observed on green belt land around Histon from 2009 to 2013

Red listed: Species Corn bunting Fieldfare Grey partridge Herring gull House sparrow Lapwing Linnet Redwing Skylark Song thrush Starling Yellowhammer Yellow wagtail Cuckoo* Redpoll* *Uncommon sightings Barn owl Blackbird Blackcap Black headed gull Bullfinch Buzzard Canada goose Carrion crow Chaffinch Chiffchaff Coal tit Collared dove Common gull Common whitethroat Cormorant Dunnock Golden plover Goldfinch Great black backed gull Great crested grebe Great spotted woodpecker Great tit Greenfinch Green woodpecker Grey heron Greylag goose Hobby House martin Jackdaw Jay Kestrel Location Buxhall Farm Guns Lane Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm Buxhall Farm Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm Buxhall Farm Guns Lane Guns Lane Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm Buxhall Farm Buxhall Farm Guns Lane

Regular sightings:

Buxhall Farm Guns Lane Guns Lane Buxhall Farm Guns Lane Guns Lane Moat House lake Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm Guns Lane Guns Lane Guns Lane Guns Lane Moat House lake Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm Moat House lake Guns Lane Buxhall Farm Guns Lane Guns Lane Moat House lake Guided Bus Way, Guns Lane Guns Lane Guns Lane Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm, Moat House lake Buxhall Farm Moat House lake, Buxhall Farm Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm, Moat House lake Guided Bus Way Guns Lane Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm

Little owl Long tailed tit Magpie Mallard Meadow pipit Mistle thrush Pheasant Pied wagtail Red legged partridge Reed bunting Rook Sparrowhawk Stock dove Swallow Swift Willow warbler Wood pigeon Wren Goldcrest Lesser whitethroat Little egret Merlin Peregrine falcon Red kite Snipe Tawny owl Waxwing

Buxhall Farm Guns Lane Guns Lane Buxhall Farm Buxhall Farm Guns Lane Guns Lane Buxhall Farm Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm Buxhall Farm Guns Lane Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm Guns Lane Guns Lane Guns Lane, Buxhall Farm Guns Lane Guns Lane Rowleys Farm Buxhall Farm Buxhall Farm Buxhall Farm, Moat House lake Buxhall Farm Buxhall Farm Buxhall Farm

Uncommon sightings:

British Trust for Ornithology data

Histon from 2009 to 2013

UK conservation status Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red

Amber Green Green Amber Amber Green Not assessed Green Green Green Green Green Amber Amber Green Amber Amber Green Amber Green Green Green Green Amber Green Amber Green Amber Green Green Amber

Not assessed Green Green Amber Amber Amber Not assessed Green Not assessed Amber Green Green Amber Amber Amber Amber Green Green Green Green Amber Amber Green Amber Amber Green Green

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