Idiot of The Day 04may13

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IDIOT of the DAY

Al Sharpton has attacked those who seek to inform the public about the lying, deceitful, manipulative efforts of Hillary Clinton to avoid any blame for the deaths of four Americans in Bhengazi. She knew what was happening. She knew why it happened. She knew what needed to be done. She did nothing. Four men died. She lied. Now Al is chiming in with his stupidity claiming those seeking to illuminate her lies are doing so because she has such strong polling numbers and such a great opportunity to win in 2016. Let's hope this liar does, in fact, run. She's built up enough of a portfolio of deceit, like her champion, Al that it is difficult to take him serious. Believe it he's serious. He will do anything at all to keep the Demoncrats in power including defend another liar like himself.

Semper Fi

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