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16 MARK 1. Explain the NIST security model? 2. What are ISO 17799 and BS 7799?

Explain their different sections and salient features? 3. Explain with diagrams the design of security architecture? 4. Explain sphere of protection with a neat sketch? 5. Explain the NIST security model and salient features of NIST security model? 6. Write short notes on: a. Network based IDS b. Host based IDS c. Signature based IDS d. Application based IDS 7. What is Business Input Analysis? Explain different stages of BIA in detail. Explain how firewall are configured and managed? 8. What is Intrusion Detection System (IDS)? Explain different reasons for using IDS and different terminologies associated with IDS?

8 MARKS 1. What is RSA algorithm? Explain different steps? 2. What are different possible attacks on cryptosystem? 3. Write short notes on a. Incident response plan b. Disaster recovery plan c. Business continuity plan

4. What is public key Infrastructure (PKI)? 5. What are the three types of security policies? Explain it? 6. Write short notes on a. Packet filtering routers b. Screened host firewall

2 MARKS 1. What is policy? What are ACI policies 2. Define Issue- Specific Security Policy (ISSR) 3. What is defense in Depth? 4. Define ISO 17799/BS 7799 standards and their drawbacks 5. What is Sphere of protection? 6. What is Information Security Blueprint? 7. What are Vulnerability Scanners? 8. What are foot printing and finger printing? 9. What is public key Infrastructure (PKI)? 10. Define Encryption and Decryption?

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