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Group Model: Integrated Curriculum Model Slavery: A Comparative Study

Ariel B. Dianne J. Susan Schar

George Mason University Professor Sheree Harnagel November 13, 2011


The Integrated Curriculum Model: Definition and Evaluation The Integrated Curriculum Model, or ICM, developed by Joyce Van-Tassel-Baska at the College of William and Mary, has three basic dimensions. The first dimension addresses concepts, issues and themes. These are the big ideas around which teachers should structure their curriculum, using these bigger concepts to connect various disciplines and content areas. The second dimension, advanced content, demands that teachers give students challenging materials that are above grade-level or more demanding than typical curricular materials. Examples of advanced content include the use of materials that are in-depth, require advanced reading or interpretive skills and the use of primary sources where possible and appropriate. The third dimension, process-product, requires that teachers give students reasoned, authentic assessments where possible, that reflect the learning process. Since the learning process itself is complex, assessments should also require complexity over the simplicity of multiple choice or either/or tests.

This model works well with gifted students because they need the accelerated content and complexity of thought. Gifted students revel in challenge, and this model proscribes a significant amount of challenge for them at every level of curriculum and instructional delivery. Content that is tied into big-picture ideas has greater relevance and meaning for these students and encourages their further studies by introducing them to the world of macro-ideas rather than micro-concepts. The use of authentic assessments, problem-based learning and research within the classroom also give students a taste of real-world situations and methods of addressing problems and gathering information independently, and encourages them to be independent

Slavery consumers of knowledge, as opposed to the parroting chorus, asked to squawk in unison in classrooms across the country. This model works well for teachers as well because it offers a different way of looking at curriculum that enables academic rigor with enough flexibility to allow different kinds of content, processes and products in curriculum development.

Dimension One: Concept, Issue, Theme This unit asks students to explore the concept of slavery, by comparing and contrasting slavery in different cultures from different times, including ancient Rome, Africa and colonial America. This unit is designed for gifted upper elementary and middle school students, and asks them to explore this concept by not only doing their own research and reading on the topic of slavery versus freedom, but also taking on the role of a slave and experiencing a slave auction for themselves as well as defending slavery in a persuasive essay. In this way, students will explore this concept from a variety of historical and personal perspectives.

Dimension Two: Advanced Content This unit delivers advanced content within the topic of slavery by providing students with activities that focus on advanced skills that require critical thinking, in-depth research, and advanced reading with primary and secondary sources. As students read about slavery for their research, they are required to engage with primary sources at several stages. They will use authentic posters and news clippings from colonial America, and read scholarly articles about ancient slavery from the early 20th century. They will use critical thinking to reflect on their reading in literature circles, and compare the concept of slavery in different cultures as well as compare different perspectives on slavery.

Slavery Dimension Three: Process-Product

This unit asks students to create authentic products, engage in simulations and presentations, conduct research, and use models of inquiry as independent learners in their work as they connect the concept of slavery across curricula, between Social Studies, English and Latin. Students will deepen their understanding of ancient slavery through journal entries from the perspective of a Roman slave, creating a formal slave placard and a class presentation using their slave persona. In doing so, they will learn more about Roman daily life, concepts of slavery, and the conquered territories of ancient Rome, as well as their geographical locations. Students will deepen their understanding of connections to American slavery by completing their choice of Webquest focusing on slavery in any one of a number of cultures. Students will also create a poster related to the slave trade based on examples they research. Their final assessment for this unit will be a portfolio that incorporates elements from their literature circles, pre-reading, personal research and authentic assessments and slave simulations.

Slavery Roman Slavery Lesson Plans

Objectives: As a result of this unit, students will be able to: 1. use personal pronouns in Latin 2. recall and use names and terms for different members of Roman society 3. identify on a map the different reaches of the Roman empire 4. compare Roman concepts of slavery with traditional American/Anglo-Saxon ideas of slavery.

Tiered Activities and Procedures DAY 1 Introduce students to their new 'family' groups, and introduce them to basic vocabulary related to family members (mater = mother, pater = father, soror = sister, frater = brother) so that they can talk about their relationships as they construct their personae. Have students decide on family roles before completing the slavery readings in the book. Students will describe and pre-assess their current conception of slavery in ancient Rome through the true/false section of the anticipation guide (Materials A), then find support for their answers within the text. Students may use the reading(s) in the textbook the Chapter 6 reading could answer their questions, though the Chapter 15 reading is more detailed or they may go online to access a scholarly article on the topic (Materials E). Students will share their pre-conceptions and findings with their family groups in roundtable discussion.

Slavery DAY 2 Students will participate in a warm up stating simple Latin sentences.

When asked Quis tu es? They will use their persona to respond with ego sum . . . et mihi nomen est using their Latin names and one of the nouns below: o Servus, Ancilla, Domina, Dominus, Puer, Pater, Mater, Puella

Teacher will review anticipation questions with students and generate classroom discussion regarding what surprised them the most in their readings about ancient slavery, particularly discussing the many languages that slaves spoke and the different places around the world from whence they came.

Students will each receive a copy of a map of the world with Latin names for different territories listed at bottom. In their groups, students will match Latin names to outlined territories conquered by the Romans (e.g. Aegyptus, Asia Minor, Britannia).

Groups will review these territories together via a SmartBoard matching activity (dragging and dropping countries onto the map).

Homework: Students will choose one province from the Poculum Fati (Jar of Fate) as they leave the room, and research information about daily life in that province online ( or or check out one of the classroom resource books for use at home. They will create at least three visual index cards (picture on one side, facts on the other) to review and discuss their findings with the whole class.


Slavery Warm Up: Students will create adjective forms of each of the provinces chosen to describe themselves based on the guidelines on page 270 of their textbook. For example, Aegyptus becomes Aegyptiana, Asia Minor becomes Asiatica.

Students will briefly present what they learned about each of the respective provinces in the Roman period using their visual flashcards as talking points.

Students will each independently create a KWL chart relating what they know and what they want to know about slavery, and in the third column, writing up a plan for how they can learn what they want to know. Students will use this as a contract, that they must complete once theyve presented all of their information in the Slave Persona project.

Students will determine from a list of brainstormed options of Locus Laboris their slave duties (see Materials B) and fill in their Titulus or identity card (see Materials C) which will stay with them for the rest of the chapter. They will copy the information neatly onto cardstock or cardboard in class the next day.

Homework: Students construct a creative story outline on their Passport to Rome (see Materials D) which develops their character further after reading the attached handouts on slavery (see Materials E), and prepare for a province quiz.

DAY 4 Students will have a brief quiz on the ancient provinces of Rome (see Assessment A). Students will peer-review their Tituli and Passports to Rome in groups for grammatical and spelling errors.

Slavery Students will copy their Tituli neatly onto cardboard plaques in class. Students who

do not finish must finish at home as part of their homework. Students who finish early will begin writing their Latin journal entry. For the Latin journal entry, students will compose a half-page journal entry in English based on a day in the life of a Roman slave, using their new slave identity, and the readings provided in class. Students will reflect on the information gathered this week through an exit pass asking them to state 3-2-1 (3 things Ive learned, 2 things I knew already, 1 thing I want to know more about). Homework: Looking at your English journal, choose your best three sentences that you think sum up the life of a slave, and translate those three into Latin and practice speaking those aloud. Also choose or create 2 or more props that you think best represent your slave persona to prepare for market day.

DAY 5 Students will respond Verus aut Falsus (true or false) to a series of oral questions about Roman slaves (Sunt omnes servi miseri? Sunt omnes servi laeti?) Reminding students that they are to remain in character all day, each student will hang their Titulus around their neck with a piece of string for the simulated slave market. Each student will come forward to talk about themselves in Latin, and describe where they are from, the languages they speak, their age and any special skills. Based on the readings, the other students will estimate a fair market price in Latin numbers after each presentation.

Slavery Each student presentation and Titulus will be graded for accuracy and authenticity of presentation (see Assessment B). Homework: Students will complete their KWL chart, this time adding the information theyve learned to the L column.


MATERIALS A Extended Anticipation Guide Latin I Directions: Read each statement carefully, then place a check in a column based on whether you think the statement is true or false. There are no wrong answers, but be prepared to have some support in mind to defend your choice.
True _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ False _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Slaves were treated poorly in ancient Rome. Slaves in ancient Rome were often beaten. Masters never set slaves free. All Roman slaves were treated the same way. Only the richest households owned slaves. The slave who was overseer of an estate had a good amount of power. 7. No one dealt slaves for a living there was not enough of a profit to be made there. 8. Slaves that ran away faced no punishment if caught. 9. On the whole, I think I can predict what slavery is like in Rome.

Now, check pages 20-23 in your book, the Chapter 21 reading or consult the online article at What you read will either support or not support your choice of the statement above. If your reading confirms your choice, put a check in the support blank. If it doesnt, place a check in the no support blank. Either way, summarize the facts from the reading in your own words to the right. Support No Support Your Summary 1. _____ _____ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 2. _____ _____ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 3. _____ _____ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 4. _____ _____ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 5. _____ _____ ______________________________________________________


______________________________________________________ 6. _____ _____ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 7. _____ _____ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 8. _____ _____ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Now summarize your opinion of slavery in Rome: _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _


Loci Laboris
(Areas of Work)

agaso - groom atriensis - steward auceps - fowler factor - poultry and game fattener auri custos - jewelery attendant calator - footman cantrix - singer cellarius - storekeeper coquus - cook cursor - messenger genus ferratile - chain gang ianitrix - doorkeeper nuntius renuntius - messengers opilio - head shepherd pastores shepherds grammaticus teacher paedogogus - children's chaperone

vigiles firemen medicus doctor nutrix - nurse pedisequa - attendant salutigeruli pueri - pages sartor - hoer sator - planter messor - reaper bubulcus - ploughman holitor - market gardener tonstrix - hairdresser unctor - masseur vestiplica - clothing folder cistellatrix - wardrobe keeper


TITULUS Name ______________ ____ Years old From ________ Country Languages Spoken: ___________ ____________________________ Area of Work:_________________ Masters Name:_________________ Been a slave since:_______________ Masters kindness (I-X): _____ Any bad history:___________________________________________________ Any Special Skills: _______________________________________________ TITULUS Nomen ______________ ____ Annos Natos De ________ Patria Linguae: ___________ ____________________________ Locus Laboris:_________________ Nomen Domini:_________________

Anni Servitudinis:_______________ Amicitia Domini: _____ Mala Historia:___________________________________________________ Praecipui Artes: ________________________________________________









MASTERS NAME: _______________________________ SLAVES TO





___________________________________ HOW WHY




____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____ WHO




MATERIALS E Excerpt taken from: A Dictionary of Classical Antiquities: Mythology, Religion, Literature and Art By Dr. Oskar Seyffert (1901) Available in full-length form at: II. The Romans, like the Greeks, possessed slaves from the earliest times; but their number was at first trifling, on account of the small households of the old Romans and their simple manner of life. But great estates gradually became frequent, and slaves were used by preference for agricultural work, because they were not subject to levy for military service. Luxury became more general, and a number of wants, previously unknown, were created by it; and in course of time the custom of employing slaves for industrial purposes was borrowed from the Greeks. All this caused a continual increase in the number of slaves, until in some cases they were collected in several thousands. Some of these were born in the house, and were called vernae; they were regarded as particularly faithful and trustworthy, and enjoyed certain liberties accordingly. The remainder were for the most part acquired among the spoils of war, or were introduced from other countries where slaves were kept. Those taken in war were sold by the quaestor either on the spot immediately or at the nearest market-place, or, according to the technical terms, either sub hasta (under the lance) or sub corona (under the wreath, which was placed on the head of captives in war to show that they were for sale). For this purpose slave-dealers (mangones), whose profitable trade was regarded with contempt, were always represented in the train of Roman armies. They also bought slaves in great numbers at the principal slave-marts, as at Rome and Delos. At Rome, the aediles superintended this kind of business, on which the government levied a tax for import and a further tax on the sale. The slave was placed on a platform (catasta), with his feet whitened with chalk or gypsum, if he had just come across the sea ( Juv.i. 111), and with a label (titulus) round his neck, showing his home, age, abilities, and bodily defects, if any, the vendor being responsible for the correctness of these statements; if he would not bind himself in any such way, this was shown by placing a cap (pilleus) on the slave's head. (See Pilleus.) Slaves distinguished for their beauty, their skill, or their literary or musical accomplishments, were not exhibited publicly, but in special places, and to such as were able to pay the prices for them, which frequently ran very high. Those born in the house were also sold by private agreement, without being exposed. There were slaves of every nationality, and on this depended in general the names by which they were called and the work which was assigned them. The familia (a designation including all the slaves, or famuli, belonging to the same master) was generally divided into that of the country (familia rustica) and that of the town (familia urbana). The work done by the slaves was of the most varied character, and the great diversity of their occupations is partly explained by the fact that almost every kind of work required a special slave, and it was considered not consistent with good breeding, and a sign of poverty, if the same slave was intrusted with several different duties. Thus there were in the country special slaves for the various branches of agriculture, horticulture, and the tending of cattle, the cultivation of olives and vines, the keeping of bees and of poultry, and for the preserves and fishponds. These

slaves were under the supervision of the vilicus (farm-bailiff) or actor (steward), who had to render the accounts to the master or his representative. The number of town-slaves was not due to actual requirements, but depended upon the luxurious fashions which became more and more prevalent in the last two centuries of the Republic. In older times the house and everything belonging to it was in charge of the aedituus (major domo, steward), who managed all household affairs, received and spent money, negotiated sales and purchases, and disposed of the stores. When the extension of the household made it necessary to keep a special person to control the expenditure, the steward's functions were limited to seeing that the house and furniture were properly cleaned and in a good state. Besides him there were subordinate servants for the various dwellings, the spare rooms for visitors, the shrine of the household gods, the images of the ancestors, the various kinds of furniture, the art collections, and the wardrobe; and there was also a porter (ianitor or ostiarius), who, according to an old custom, was chained like a dog ( De Rhet. 3; Columel. 1 pr. 10; Ovid, Amores, i. 6, 1). The kitchen was in charge of a special slave, an even more expensive one than the vilicus; and under him were a host of assistants, wood-carriers, market-men, pastry-cooks, etc. The service at table also necessitated a numerous attendance of dressers, servers, carvers, fore-tasters, cupbearers, table-clearers and others, who similarly were under a special foreman, the tricliniarcha, who saw to the general arrangements and to the lighting. The master and mistress of the house were served by special valets (cubicularii), who also had to announce visitors (nomenclatores), and pages and chambermaids and special servants for the bath and the toilet. It was considered of especial importance that, when the master or mistress of the house left it on foot or in a litter, the slaves following them should be numerous and richly attired. Some slaves went before their master (anteambulones), especially the nomenclator, who informed his master of the names of the persons they met; others followed (pedisequi); others, again, were told off for attending their master with torches and lanterns on leaving parties in the evening. The litter of each member of the family was carried by from six to eight lecticarii, particularly strong men, and by preference Cappadocians. For travelling across country there was always a large escort, consisting of crowds of equerries, outriders, grooms, etc. The most important position among the servants was occupied by those whom the master himself chose to assist him in his business or his recreations, as, for instance, those who attended to money matters and to the supervision of the slaves, secretaries, physicians, readers at [p. 1455] meals or during the bath or before going to sleep, literary men (litterati), librarians, and transcribers of books. For other kinds of recreation there were also slaves who had received a musical training, pantomimi, fools, and jesters. See Nanus. The various classes of slaves had each its special foreman, with a substitute whom he either received from his master or bought with his savings (peculium). These formed the class of the ordinarii, who enjoyed the special confidence of their master; this class included such servants as looked after the food, clothing, and medical attendance of the slaves, the maintenance and watching of the various buildings, the accounts of the household (cellarius), and the expenses of the master (dispensator). Young slaves were trained for the various requirements of the household; according to their abilities, they were taught some trade or art, or had practice given them either in keeping accounts or in learned studies. Under the Empire, those who were destined to be pages received their education in special paedagogia or establishments, kept not only by the emperor, but also by private citizens. As in Greece, trained slaves were established in

some trade by themselves, or let out on hire; such was the case even with slaves who were artists or men of learning. Even posts of independence, such as the administration of an estate in the country, or of a bank, or the command of a ship, were intrusted to slaves, who received a share in the profits, or paid interest on the capital invested, or a fixed sum of money when the capital was their own. For the slaves were allowed to acquire a private fortune (peculium) from what they saved on their allowances and from the regular profits of their service. The masters regarded this arrangement with favour, especially as it represented a kind of caution money in case any damage was done. See Peculium. The Roman slave was, in the eyes of the law, a mere chattel (Varro even styles him a speaking tool [instrumentum vocale]), and hence absolutely without any rights and completely exposed to the caprice of his master. The latter could compel him to do the meanest and most shameful things, could torture or kill him, or cast him out when he was old or weakly; and as this treatment was legally permitted, it was carried out in practice when occasion offered. Especial cruelty was experienced by the country-slaves, who worked in chains in the greater part of Italy, and were kept in a guarded work-house (ergastulum) at night; some of them were branded, or had half of their heads shaven. It was therefore a severe punishment for a town-slave to be sent into the country. When the slaves were less numerous and were restricted to the drudgery of farm life, and when the consul himself had but one or two personal attendants, their treatment was, as has been said, the treatment accorded to animals. Let the slave sleep or work, says Cato in his terse book of rules, implying that his working hours must all be devoted to toil. Speak to slaves in monosyllables, says another writer (Seneca). Treat them like wild beasts and subdue them by lashing. You will have as many enemies as you have slaves. And throughout the whole period of Roman history, the mere labourers fared as might have been expected among a people who followed out these harsh measures. A slave's life was long a matter of no concern to the State. It belonged wholly to his master. The elder Cato used not infrequently to put one of his slaves to death in the presence of his fellows to cow them into absolute subservience. There was no feeling of humanity visible in the treatment accorded to them. Pollio, the friend of Augustus, used a slave to feed the eels in his artificial lake. Augustus himself crucified a slave for killing a favourite quail. For worse offences worse punishments were devised. Men were lashed to death, crushed between two millstones; had their hands, feet, nose, lips, and eyes cut out and were then flung upon the bare ground to die; or they were suspended by hooks of iron to be devoured by the birds of prey. If a slave killed his master, not only he but all his companions were tortured and put to death; yet the killing of masters was not infrequent. Pliny in one of his letters gives one instance (iii. 14): Largius Macedo, a man of praetorian rank, has suffered a dreadful fate at the hands of his slaves; a harsh master he was, too. While he was taking a bath at his Formian villa his slaves of a sudden surrounded him. One seized him by the throat, another struck him in the face; another bruised his breast and stomach, and when they thought him dead flung him on the heated marble to see whether he still lived. So Tacitus ( Ann.xiv. 42) describes the murder of the city praefect, Pedianus Secundus, by his slaves, on which occasion four hundred innocent slaves were put to death with the guilty. Often the slaves, driven to desperation by their masters, banded together in a frantic struggle for vengeance. On one occasion several hundred broke out into the city, and rushing through the streets slew without discrimination every one they met, until they were themselves cut to pieces by a detachment of the Guards.

It was not until the influence of Christianity began to be felt that the Roman conception of humanity became sufficiently enlarged to embrace the slave as well as the freeman. Gradually the way to emancipation was made more and more easy. Gradually, too, the law began to throw some safeguards around the person of the slave, forbidding excessive cruelty on the master's part. At last, under Justinian, any slave could gain his freedom by becoming a monk or spiritual person ( Nov.v. 2 Nov., 1; cxxiii. 7 Nov., 35). The usual mode of killing slaves was crucifixion (see Crux), which was put down by the Christian emperors. If a slave dared to wreak vengeance on his master, every slave who was under the same roof at the time was put to death with him. This cruelty of treatment, which grew continually in the last centuries of the Republic, brought on repeated and terrible insurrections of the slaves. Under the Empire they received some legal protection; in its very beginning, the master's right to condemn his slaves to fight with wild beasts was taken away from him and transferred to a regular judge--the praefect of the city at Rome and the procurator in the provinces. These officials were also empowered by Antoninus Pius to receive the complaints of slaves about cruel treatment, and to sell the slaves to another master, in case their complaints were found to rest on truth. Hadrian deprived the owners of the right of killing and torturing slaves at their pleasure, or of selling them to keepers of gladiatorial schools or to procurers; and, finally, Constantine placed the intentional killing of a slave on a level with murder. [p. 1456] A kind of married relation between slaves, called contubernium, was permitted at an early time. Under the Empire, it became a rule to regard it as lasting and indissoluble, and even to celebrate the marriage of slaves by wedding festivities. Having no legal rights, the slave could not give evidence in a law court, and, as in Greece, only what he said when under torture was deemed worthy of credit. The Roman, like the Athenian, government had public slaves (servi publici), who, on the whole, had the same legal position as the private slaves. They lived in public buildings assigned to them by the censors, and received from the public chest a yearly sum to pay for their board (cibaria). They were partly employed as custodians of temples and public buildings (aeditui), partly as servants to the various priesthoods and to those magistrates who had duties relating to the police--namely, the censors and aediles who under Augustus had under their control a body of 600 servi publici for the prevention of fires (see Vigiles), the overseers of the water supply and of the prisons, and those who had to see capital offences carried out. The slaves of the latter included the hangman (carnifex), who was intrusted with the special duty of executing slaves, and who had to live outside the Esquiline Gate. There was no distinctive dress for Roman slaves. It was once proposed in the Senate to give them a distinctive costume, but it was rejected since it was considered dangerous to show them how numerous they were ( De Clem. i. 24). Male slaves were not allowed to wear the toga or bulla, nor females the stola; but otherwise they were dressed in nearly the same way as the poorer people, in tunics and cloaks of a dark colour (pullati) and slippers (crepidae), or in the country sculponeae or clogs (vestis servilis, In Pis. 38, 93). The prices of ordinary slaves was low by reason of the great number of them on sale at Rome. The struggles of Rome with Pyrrhus, with Perseus, with Hannibal, with the Sicilians, with the Gauls, the Cimbri, and the Germans, all ending in the success of the Roman arms, turned the metropolis into a great slave-market whither the prisoners fresh from the field of battle, and representing every country, civilized and barbarian, poured in one continuous throng. Scipio

Aemilianus is said to have sold nearly 60,000 Carthaginians into slavery. Marius made serfs of 140,000 Cimbri. Aemilius Paullus handed over 150,000 men, women, and children to the military quaestors who accompanied his army, and who acted as the fiscal agents of the government. Cicero received a sum of money equivalent to $500,000 from the sale of his prisoners of war. Gracchus is said to have enslaved so many Sardinians that the very name Sardus became a synonym for slave. Popilius Laenas carried off 20,000 Statielli (Liguria) at once. Pompey and Caesar are roughly estimated to have sold at various times a million of human beings into slavery. The whole world was laid under contribution to supply the market for human chattels. Long lines of chained prisoners from Germany, Gaul, and even Britain, says Duruy, were led to Rome. Utica and Egypt furnished blacks; Numidia, swift runners; Alexandria, grammarians; Sidon and Cyprus, those intelligent, docile, and corrupt Asiatics so highly prized as house servants; Greece, her handsome boys and girls; Epirus and Illyria, the most experienced shepherds; Germany, Gaul, and Thrace, the most savage gladiators; Cappadocia, the most patient labourers. Slave-dealers (mangones) accompanied every army, and the clash of arms had hardly ceased when the battle-field resounded with the sharp cries and sordid bustle of an auctionroom. How cheaply these newly-made slaves were rated is seen from the fact that Lucullus once sold a large number of prisoners at an average price of four drachmae--eighty cents--apiece. At Rome, the slave-market, as already stated, was under the supervision of the aediles; and the sales were usually at public auction, though slaves of great beauty or remarkable accomplishments were sometimes reserved for private sale, as we learn from Martial (ix. 60). The chief points of inquiry regarding an ordinary male slave were as to whether he was given to thievery, subject to epilepsy, of a suicidal tendency, and whether he had ever tried to escape. The slaves when on exhibition were often obliged to strip naked, and to jump, run, and move about to show their paces for the information of the intending purchasers. Medical experts were sometimes called in to give their opinion of the soundness of the slave. In certain cases the law allowed a free person to be sold as a slave--e. g. those who attempted to evade public burdens by not having their names entered on the census (incensi), or who shirked military service, and the insolvent debtor under the old law of execution by manus iniectio. According to the old law, a thief caught in the act (fur manifestus) was adjudged (addictus) to the person whose property he had stolen. A free man over twenty years of age who collusively allowed himself to be sold as a slave in order to secretly share the purchase-money with the vendor was as early as the time of Mucius Scaevola refused his proclamatio in libertatem by the praetor, and so in effect adjudged a siave. By an enactment of Claudius also ( Claud. 25), a freedman who had misconducted himself towards his patron might be again enslaved. Under the emperors it was established that a free man who was condemned to death, to penal servitude in the mines, or to fight with gladiators or wild beasts, became and died a slave. The prices at which slaves sold at Rome varied, of course, very much with the time, the characteristics of the slave, and the requirements of the purchaser. In the time of Horace, an ordinary male slave cost about $90; somewhat later, $125. This was the price of a day labourer. More valuable were those who possessed some special accomplishment, who had a knowledge of medicine, or who were literary men.

Thus M. Scaurus bought a grammarian named Natius for 700,000 sesterces, or $28,000; boys sold for 100,000 sesterces ($4000) to 200,000 sesterces ($8000). A fool (morio) brought an average of 20,000 sesterces ($800) ( Mart.viii. 13). Good-looking girls were sold for an average price of $1000. Of all slaves, negroes and eunuchs were the most costly; so that Pliny records that Seianus, the minister of Tiberius, sold a eunuch named Paezon to Lutorius for the extraordinary sum of 50,000,000 sesterces, or $2,000,000. In later times some attempt was made to pass a sumptuary law regulating the prices of slaves. [p. 1457] Justinian fixed a regular tariff, eunuchs running from $150 to $350. It is obvious that between the ordinary slave and his master there existed no ties of affection, and no feelings of gratitude that could lead to closer intimacy. This, however, was not true of the class of slaves who were sold as house-slaves, as personal attendants, as paedagogi, actors, teachers, and artists. These, coming often from the most polished communities of Greece, or often from the luxurious cities of Asia Minor, were infinitely the superiors of the Romans in intellectual training and accomplishments; and they could not fail to make themselves influential, and if not respected, at least felt. We can scarcely conceive of the ascendency which they attained at Rome. Everything was in their hands. They managed the estates, they kept the accounts, they arranged their masters' pleasures and kept them amused; they wrote their books, they painted their pictures, they controlled their fashions, they taught them music--and, more potent than all, they reared and trained their children. They swarmed in every household, and being keen-witted, intelligent, pliable, plausible, utterly shameless, and morally corrupt, they became a great plague spot in the heart of a community that had once been self-respecting, pureminded, and devout. It is quite impossible to conceive of anything more demoralizing than such an influence, so widely exerted and so powerful for evil. It is not surprising to find a single century converting the Romans into a semi-Asiatic people living like Eastern voluptuaries, their houses glittering with gold and silver and jewels; their tables loaded with luxuries and crowded with sycophants; their halls swarming with human beings who won favour only by pandering to the most revolting vice and by stimulating jaded desire; their lives given over to gluttony and lust; their old ambition, their once strong intellects, their national pride, and their personal honour all flung away and turned to rottenness by the taint of that system which degrades and blights its victim by forcing him to be the unwilling instrument for the ruin of his fellow-men.

ASSESSMENT A ROMANI PROVINCIAE PROBATIO Mihi nomen est _______________ Using the map below, fill in the correct Latin name for each of the countries mentioned by number in the Latin questions below. Remember: spelling counts!

1. #8 is the province Caesar was first to explore, but Claudius finally conquered. Quid est? a. _______________________ 2. #25 is the province which waged war with Troy for many years. Quid est? a. _______________________ 3. #49 is the province which held the Nile Valley. Ruled independently for many years, Alexander brought Greek control to the city, followed by a brief period of Roman rule. Quid est? a. _______________________ 4. #52 is the province of the mythical queen Dido, who promised Aeneas that their countries would forever be enemies. For centuries the Romans fought with them in the Punic Wars. Quid est?

ASSESSMENT B SLAVE MARKET PRESENTATION RUBRIC Teacher Name: Magistra Baska Student Name: ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ CATEGORY Latin Usage 4 All Latin information x5 shared appeared to be accurate and in correct ____ pts/20 pts grammatical form. Titulus Card Student included more information x3 than was required. _____ pts/12 pts Knowledge Gained x3 ____ pts/12 pts Can clearly Can clearly explain several explain several ways in which his ways in which character "saw" his character things differently "saw" things than other differently than characters and can other characters. clearly explain why. Can clearly explain one way in which his character "saw" things differently than other characters. Cannot explain one way in which his character "saw" things differently than other characters. 3 Almost all Latin information shared appeared to be accurate and in correct grammatical form. Student included all information that was required. 2 1 Most of the Latin Very little of the information Latin information shared appeared shared appeared to be accurate to be accurate and and in correct in correct grammatical grammatical form. form. Student included Student included most information less information that was required. than was required.

Props/Costume x2 ____ pts/8 pts

Student uses several props (could include costume) that accurately fit the period, show considerable work/creativity and make the presentation better.

Student uses 1-2 Student uses 1 props that prop which aids accurately fit the the presentation. period, and make the presentation better.

The student uses no props OR the props chosen detract from the presentation.

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