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Abir odeh Mrs.

Kumpf Social studies 24 March 2013 McCarthyism skit reflection assignment After World War II, McCarthyism and the Red Scare arose. The Red Scare is generally used to describe anti-communism in the United States. Red in the term Red Scare is from the Soviet Union flag and scare is used to describe the peoples fear of communism spreading. McCarthyism was the act of accusing someone unjustly. My classmates and I performed a skit exemplifying McCarthyism. Everyone got a role as the accused, the accuser, the defender of the accused, or a bystander. Throughout the skit, we were basically accusing each other of things we did or did not do. The class skit was similar to McCarthyism because much was like what happened back then, we were accusing each other of things that had little to no evidence with the fear of not knowing whether or not the accusation is true. We were putting each other in situations where we could lose things important to us even if we werent guilty. The trial wasnt fair because people were accused for no reason. The trial of the accused communists was people who were mad at the accused and continued accusing them for being supporters of the Mustangs. This was and is unusual because in real life this does not happen. The accusation is usually supported with evidence and the judge isnt nice to the accused and doesnt let them speak that much in our skit, it was the opposite. Everyone was shouting over each other about what would happen to them and the accused was defending him or herself.

My role in this skit was to be the defender of the accused. The role was small and what I had to say didnt make me seem like I was defending anyone at all. I think I would have been very mad if I was an accuser, I would feel confused because I wouldnt know if the person I am accusing is actually guilty or not. If I was some one who was watching, I would also be confused because I wouldnt know what is happening. The purpose of this skit is to help us understand what McCarthyism and the Red Scare really was like.

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