Biblical Math

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Biblical math

Sin = immaturity rebelliousness = spiritual divorce insanity = mental divorce death = bodily divorce final death = final divorce repentance = maturity holiness = spiritual wholeness sanity = mental wholeness resurrection = bodily wholeness eternal life = The wedding supper sin rebelliousness immaturity spiritual divorce insanity mental divorce death bodily divorce final death final divorce

repentance holiness sanity resurrection eternal life maturity spiritual wholeness mental wholeness bodily wholeness The wedding supper the bad news (without repentance): sin leads to rebelliousness (immaturity leads to spiritual divorce) rebelliousness leads to insanity (spiritual divorce leads to mental divorce) insanity leads to death (mental divorce leads to bodily divorce) death leads to final death (bodily divorce leads to the final divorce) but the good news is: repentance leads to holiness (maturity leads to spiritual wholeness) holiness leads to wholeness sanity (spiritual wholeness leads to mental wholeness ) sanity leads to resurrection (mental wholeness leads to resurrection) resurrection leads to eternal life (bodily wholeness leads to The wedding supper)

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