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Student Name__________________________ Period_____ Rube Goldberg Essay You a will write 5 pages, (12 point Times New Roman

font, double spaced, with 1 inch margins, inch indentations with no spaces between paragraphs) about Rube Goldberg, Goldberg machines and Competitions, Transformations and transfers of Energy and how this information is helpful in the real world. You need to find at least 3 sources and create a bibliography showing the full URL of each site you use. Proper grammar is a must and points will be deducted for misspellings and punctuation. You may NOT include pictures in your paper. If you have questions, please post to Edmodo. WRITE IN YOUR OWN WORDS!!! NO COPYING!!!

Grading Rubric

Graded Aspect Explanation of Energy Transformations Explanation of Energy Transfers Biography of Rube Goldberg. Current Competitions How these projects are helpful in the real world Length of Paper- 5 Pages Grammar and Punctuation Bibliography Total Points

Possible Points 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 5 100

Points Earned

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