Exercises - Final

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POLITENESS AND INTERACTION Exercises 1: You and someone else are sitting in a room. It is getting colder and colder.

What will you say to get the person to close the window for you? Fill in the blank with correct examples: How to get someone else to close the window for you Say nothing (but tremble because of the coldness)

Say something

On record

Off record ____d______ __________

Face saving act

Bald on record
____b______ __________

Positive politeness ____c______ __________

Negative politeness _____a_____ __________ (Following Brown and Levinson 1987)

a. Would you mind closing the window please? b. Shut the window! c. How about closing the window for me, sweetie? d. It's really cold in here. At home: 1. Situation 1: What will you say to lend someone else a book? 2. Situation 2: What will you say to get someone else to turn on the light?

Collected by Ha Linh Phuong Nhung Giang Tam

Exercise 2: In your group of four, choose one of these three situations and write down 4 ways to perform FTA in each situation. 1. You want to ask someone to buy you an ice-cream 2. You want to ask someone to turn down the volume of the T.V. 3. You want to ask someone to turn off the light. Exercise 3: Decide whether these strategies are Negative or Positive Politeness strategies:



A. Be conventionally indirect Could you please pass the salt? B. Seek agreement and avoid disagreement Yes, the weather is wonderful today, isnt it? C. Be pessimistic You dont have any envelopes, do you? D. Minimize the imposition I just dropped by for a second to ask E. Give deference We very much look forward to your dining with us. F. Presuppose or assert common ground Help me with this bag, luv? G. Joke How about lending me this old heap of junk? H. Apologize I am sorry to bother you, but I. Be optimistic Im sure you wont mind if I J. State the FTA as a general rule Customers may not smoke here, sir. K. Include both speaker and hearer in the activity Lets have a drink next week! L. Notice, attend to hearer (interests, wants, needs, approval...) You must be hungry.

Collected by Ha Linh Phuong Nhung Giang Tam

Collected by Ha Linh Phuong Nhung Giang Tam

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