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Project Formulation

Workshop on Strengthening Capacity for Strategic Agricultural Policy and Investment Planning and Implementation in Africa Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi on 25th- 26th June 2012

Stella Clara Massawe ReSAKSS-ECA, ILRI

A project
activities aimed at bringing about clearly specified objectives within a defined time-period and with a defined budget
Hierarchy of objectives (inputs, activities, outputs, purpose and goal) & assumptions

A programme
Series of several projects Projects that strategically combined to achieve a common program objective

Five stages of project life cycle

Situation Analysis and Project Design

Three main components:
Stakeholder analysis Problem analysis

Objectives/Strategies Analysis

Who is a Stakeholder? .(1)

Any individual, community, group or organization with an interest in the outputs/outcomes of a project, Either as a result of being affected by it positively or negatively, or by being able to influence project activities.

Who is a Stakeholder? (2)

Key stakeholders: Those who can significantly influence or are important to the success of an activity.

Primary stakeholders: Those who are ultimately affected by an activity.

Secondary stakeholders: All other stakeholders than Primary stakeholders.

The importance of Stakeholder Analysis

To Know:
Those around a project, who may affect or be affected by a project Opportunities and relationships to build upon in implementing a project to help make it a success Who should be encouraged to participate in a project
Potential conflicts and risks that could jeopardize a project, etc.

Problems Analysis
is a central tool for the project design, showing issues which need to be dealt with Problems Tree Analysis: an effective technique used for Problems Analysis
In the Problems Tree, problems are connected by cause-effect logic.

From a problem to strategic intervention (1)

Identify problems faces and the causal linkage among them

Objectives/Strategies Analysis
Is a tool to understand what objectives to address the problems identified in Problems Analysis. It also shows what strategies will be taken to solve the problems identified in Problems Analysis.

In Objectives Tree, objectives/strategies are connected by if-then logic.

From a problem to strategic intervention (2)

From a problem to strategic intervention (3)

Project Formulation

Link to the thinking about impact pathways & result chain

Logic model
Is a systematic and visual way to present and share your understanding of the relationships among the resources you have to operate your program The activities you plan, and the changes or results you hope to achieve

Input and activities = Your planned work

Output, outcome and impacts=Your intended results

Prepare project Management Plan

Need to prepare a detailed project management plan which specifies the key tasks, targets and timescales Logical Framework (Logframe)/ Project Design Matrix (PDM)
A four-by-four matrix which shows the design of a project and functions as a base of management after the project commencement

Log frame
Narrative Objectively Verifiable Indicators (OVI) Indicators and target values Means of Verification (MOV) Sources of Information Important Assumptions


Project Purpose




External factors and preconditions

Learning from the past agricultural projects

Framework for reviewing the case studies


Factors for success of the reviewed interventions

Problem definition Community Participation

Choice of commodity Gender consideration Project/ programe Design-strategy Complimentary investments &partnerships

Factors for success of the reviewed interventions

Capacity building Sustainability Well organized groups Timing & conditioning factors Leadership and Dedication Financial resources: access to credit, rural finance

Key messages: factors to consider in designing agricultural interventions (1)

Demand for the intervention, not only at the national level but also at the local level as well as enabling environment;
Stakeholder/beneficiary participation;

Impact on the beneficiaries;

Quality design arising from quality technical assistance and feasibility study;

Key messages: factors to consider in designing agricultural interventions (2)

Quality of implementation
Government support and commitment Performance of the executing agency and effective quality control system Exogenous factors.


Exercise 1
Constructing and Using a Theory of Change Task objective: to enable the participants practice how to develop a theory of change for their programme Estimated time: 30 minutes

Task 1
Consider a programme you are currently working with or one which you are familiar but not directly involved. Develop a graphic showing of the theory of change for this programme or project.
Be sure to identify the assumptions underlying the programme or project Use simple theory of change template (please only include a few outputs and activities) Reference pages 150-171

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