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Multimedia has been introduced into schools because it is believed that they can have positive effects on teaching and learning. The development of multimedia encompasses a variety of media objects, such as text, images, animations, sound, and video. The media components are included in the multimedia software in order that learning process can be held well. It is believed that various media object, if presented properly, can improve the quality of learning.

The rapid improvement in utilizing multimedia has led to an increasing number of schools that are adopting these resources. Since, last 2012 multimedia has been introduced to St. Paul University Philippines and are situated in many rooms of the said University, our rationale on this research was to increase motivation particularly for the students included in the School of Health Sciences Department because of the attractiveness of media products that were popularized in the University leading to enhanced learning and academic achievement.

For the purposes of this research, multimedia is defined as all means of communication, in different styles. In this sense, multimedia includes symbol systems as diverse as print, graphics, animation, audio, and motion pictures. In an effort to investigate how the use of multimedia enhances classroom learning this study focuses on the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. What How Does are these these commonly multimedia multimedia used relate amplify multimedia to the the within grades attention of span the the of University? students? students?

What are the surveyed students viewpoints of the use of multimedia as learning and teaching


Based on the questions, this research will study the impact of multimedia utilization on the academic performance of SHS students at St. Paul University Philippines. The study will emphasize on what, and how multimedia affect the SHS students motivation to learn.

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