May05.2013solons To Push For The Promotion of Agri-Tourism in The Country

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MAY 5, 2013

NR # 3094

Solons to push for the promotion of agri-tourism in the country

Lawmakers have vowed to push for the promotion of agri-tourism in the Philippines in the 16th Congress to provide additional opportunities for farmers, farm owners and producers. Rep. Diosdado Macapagal Arroyo (Camarines Norte) and former President and now Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo filed House Bill 1808 that seeks to promote agri-tourism. It is still remains pending at the Lower House. The former President explained that agri-tourism refers to a working farm, ranch, winery, or nay agricultural operation being opened for public visitation for their enjoyment, outdoor recreation activities, education, shopping, dining or even lodging. The country topography is very ideal for agri-tourism and this is precisely what the proposed measure is seeking to develop, Macapagal-Arroyo said. Arroyo, on the other hand, said several States in America have adopted agri-tourism as this has proven to provide additional opportunities for farmers, farm-owners, and producers. It has also helped increase employment opportunities in the community as well as the revenue of their local government. Agri-Tourism provides a venue for affordable and easily accessible family outings, he said. The bill mandates the Department of Agriculture and the Department Industry to help in the marketing advice, technical expertise, promotional product development related to agri-tourism to assist the Department convention and visitor bureaus, tourist development councils, economic organization and local governments in their agri-tourism initiatives. of Trade and support, and of Tourism, development

To carry out this responsibility, both the DA and the DTI shall focus their agritourism efforts on rural and urban communities. To help offset the expenses of venturing into agri-tourism, the proposed measure will give tax credits to registered agri-tourism activities. The Department of Finance is tasked, under the bill, to craft rules and regulations to determine which costs qualify as agri-tourism liability insurance. The tax credit is an amount equal to 20% of the agri-tourism liability insurance not exceeding P50,000.00 in any tax year. (30) sb

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