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AUTHORITY and POWER Background

Authority appears in all public services life, for example, the police have a complaints authority which will investigate allegations against the police. When one speaks of authority it is generally connected to the right to enforce and expect obedience from those in that service. Authority in the public services is linked to, power, position or status and can have both positive and negative effects on situations, operations and individuals serving. P5. Four types of authority have been mentioned during your lessons, investigate and explain what they actually mean say how each of these types of authority may be used in the Uniform Services. (Give examples of each). , Give a definition of authority P6. Indentify where the uniform services receive authority from to enable them to carry out their various roles, for example Government legislations affecting the Armed Forces. Explain what power this gives the service. Give examples of three government legislation Raven explained that in his theory there were six bases of power, describe of these powers and how they can be linked with the uniform services of this country.

M4. Establishing authority in the uniform services is a key factor to carrying out the task, sometimes the organisation is there to assist the service in question to go about their daily work, at other times it is there to carryout investigations in to allegations and incidents.

Explain the importance of recognising authority and where it originates, also the consequences of a lack of authority within the inform services. The Nature of Power is a key part of authority, from the five headings below, explain the meaning of each one. Power Position Status Influence Corruption.

Hand in by 9 June 2010

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