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Issue 6 December 20, 2012

Classroom Connection
Comparing Traditions

Please feel free to contact me regarding any questions or concerns. Email School Telephone ext. 4134

Important Dates: Jan. 7 School Begins & Holiday Homework Due! Jan. 11 Field Trip to Kartchner Caverns State Park

While this time of year is traditionally when the Tohono Oodham played lots of games in their community, did you know that for the Hopi, it is a time of quiet reflection, storytelling and respect while Mother Earth prepares to bring new life to the earth again. As a class, we have been studying the symbols of Native American cultures and comparing how symbols are used in our lives. You student has created symbols that represent their lives with your family. They have incorporated these symbols into a unique board game that they created and designed. I encourage you to ask your student about the symbols, colors and rules they chose to represent in their board game. Enjoy these holiday gifts your student has worked so hard to prepare! Have a safe and happy holiday!

Holiday Homework!
While we want our students to rest, relax, and re-energize over the winter break, I also want to maintain our responsible routines. For this reason, I am sending a Holiday Homework packet home for students to complete over the 2 week break. Holiday Homework packets are due back to school on Monday January 7, 2013. The Holiday Homework packet includes:

Finishing the MAC-RO packet (lessons 1-16 should be complete; lessons 4, 8, 12, and 16 should be signed). Read World Holidays. Complete the Venn Diagram (on the back of this letter) comparing 1 holiday in the book to 1 holiday your family celebrates. Play the Box Number Game (your student will be able to explain how to play).

___________________ (Similarities) (The holiday my family celebrates)

___________________ ___________________

(The holiday from the book)

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