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Issue 9 February 25, 2013

Classroom Connection

Please feel free to contact me regarding any questions or concerns. Email School Telephone ext. 4134

Extending Learning At Home

Learning doesnt stop when the school day ends. The brain is a muscle that needs exercise in order to stay sharp and perform to its best abilities. You can help keep your students brain in tip-top shape by setting aside time for him/her to practice skills. Here are some websites that have fun, interactive activities to promote academic success: Word Wall Words (see login information attached) or

Important Dates: March 1 CAC Science Expo March 11 SARSEF Science Fair (Tucson)

Math at Home: Making Play Dough

Making play dough at home allows for students to use many important mathematical skills, like using fractions (cooking the dough), measurement (talking about weight and length of structures created) and geometry (creating and talking about shapes used in creating structures) to name just a few! Here is a recipe provided by Niana Gallego for your family to enjoy: 2 1/2 cups flour 1 cup salt 1 cup water Food coloring (optional) Mix all ingredients.

The Ins and Outs of Test Taking!

Its hard to believe, but April is just around the corner! In April, second and third graders will be taking state and national standardized assessments to measure academic growth and progress. Please know that I understand that standardized tests are just one measure of your students understanding, knowledge and academic achievement. So much of test taking is understanding the academic language that is used on the tests. For this reason, I am asking for your assistance in doing all we can to help each student succeed. You can help my using academic with your student when you are doing homework, shopping, cooking, reading, or even enjoying family time. I am including a list of terms we use here in the classroom, many of which you will probably find you use with your student already. Thank you in advance for your help!
Math: Expanded form Equivalent Fraction Interpret Perimeter Symmetry Units of measurement Sum Area Line plot Numerator Denominator Polygon Pictograph Difference Product Fiction Nonfiction Main Idea Table of contents Punctuation Prefix Suffix Adjective Language Arts: Predict Contraction Cause and Effect Summarize Evidence Supporting Details Fact vs. Opinion

Classroom Connection
Issue 9 February 25, 2013 Please feel free to contact me regarding any questions or concerns. Email School Telephone ext. 4134

Extending Learning At Home

Learning doesnt stop when the school day ends. The brain is a muscle that needs exercise in order to stay sharp and perform to its best abilities. You can help keep your students brain in tip-top shape by setting aside time for him/her to practice skills. Here are some websites that have fun, interactive activities to promote academic success: Word Wall Words (see login information attached) or

Fechas importantes: 1 de marzo - CAC Expo Ciencia 11 de marzo SARSEF Feria de Ciencias (Tucson)
Matemticas en casa: hacer plastilina Cmo hacer plastilina en casa permite a los estudiantes utilizar muchas habilidades matemticas importantes, como el uso de fracciones (coccin de la masa), la medicin (hablando sobre el peso y la longitud de las estructuras creadas) y la geometra (y hablando de la creacin de formas que se utilizan en la creacin de estructuras), por nombrar slo unos pocos! Esta es una receta proporcionada por Niana Gallego para su familia para disfrutar: 2 1/2 tazas de harina 1 taza de sal 1 taza de agua Colorante para alimentos (opcional) Mezclar todos los ingredientes

Las entradas y salidas de la toma de prueba!

Es difcil de creer, pero April est a la vuelta de la esquina! En abril, segundo y tercer grado estarn tomando las evaluaciones estandarizadas estatales y nacionales para medir el crecimiento acadmico y el progreso. Por favor, sepan que entiendo que las pruebas estandarizadas son slo una medida de comprensin de su hijo, el conocimiento y el rendimiento acadmico. Gran parte de la toma de ensayo es entender el lenguaje acadmico que se utiliza en las pruebas. Por esta razn, estoy pidiendo su ayuda en hacer todo lo posible para ayudar a cada estudiante a tener xito. Usted puede ayudar a mi,usando acadmica con su hijo cuando usted est haciendo los deberes, ir de compras, cocinar, leer, o incluso disfrutar de la familia. Estoy incluyendo una lista de los trminos que usamos aqu en el saln de clases, muchos de los cuales usted probablemente encontrar usted como usa con su hijo ya. Gracias de anteLengua y Literatura: mano por su ayuda! ficcin Adjetivo Matemticas: No ficcin forma expandida predecir Lnea de parcela Idea principal equivalente contraccin numerador Tabla de contenidos fraccin Causa y Efecto denominador puntuacion interpretar resumir polgono prefijo evidencia permetro simetra sufijo Pictograma detalles de apoyo Las unidades de medida diferencia suma
Realidad y Opinion

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