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What is your gender: Male 3 Female What is your age: 13-15 16-18 19-25 What genre of music do you listen to: Hip Hop 5 Indie Rock Pop 1 2 2 7 4

Do you listen to the Indie/ Rock genre? YES 3 NO 4

How often do you watch music videos? Always 3 Sometimes Never What TV channel do you watch for music video? MTV 4 YouTube 1 4

In a music video what concept intrigues you the most?

Performance Narrative Location All

1 3

Other (please state) In a music video what aspect do you find most interesting? Music 4 Artist Costume Performers 2 3

Do you like the special effects that we used in our music video? YES 7 NO Was the star image of our main singer and the band: Ghostly 3 Horror Gothic Sweet What do you think is the theme to our music video? Horror 1 Loneliness Isolation 3 4 1 4

Having a great time Do you prefer fast or slow pace for the editing music video? Fast 2 Slow Dont matter 2 3

What mood can you experience when you watch our video? Anger Sadness Happiness Loneliness 2 5

Do you prefer the music video more abstract or more goes with the lyrics? Abstract 6 With lyrics 1

Did you see the aspect of horror genre in our video? Yes 6 No 1

Which image do you think is the most important in our music video to promote to our target audience? Dark setting 4 Old fashion clothing Cold lighting Others What indie rock setting do you prefer? Gig/ concert 2 Attic dark room Dark caged area City scape What do you prefer in a music video? Realism 5 Surrealism 2 2 3 4

Does our music video make you want to buy the track? Yes 5 No 2

Do you believe the editing suited the music? Yes 7 No Does music video match the lyric? Yes 6 No Sometimes 1

Does the lip syncing works in our music video? Yes 7 No

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