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Metallic Minerals
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Cobalt Copper Gold Iron Nickel Uranium Zinc

Fossil Fuels
Industrial Minerals
1) asbestos 2) building Stone 3) clay products 4) diamonds 5) gravel 6) gypsum 7) potash 8) salt 9) sand 10) soapstone 1) Coal 2) Natural Gas 3) Oil

Joseph, Marc, Djasper, Arvin & Manuel

Study notes and key terms for mining

Key Terms

Aliquam consectetuer posuere lorem.

Open Pit Mining- Method of mining using a large hole that is dug for the purpose of extracting ore found near the surface. Underground Mining- Method of mining used to recover deep mineral deposits Industrial Minerals- Poor quality diamond used as a tool in many kinds of industries because it is the hardest known substance. Mineral Reserve- Known quantity of minerals in a counrty or area

Mineral- Valuable substance that is taken from rocks by mining Metalic Mineral- Mineral that yields a metal when processed, like gold, iron, &silver Fossil Fuels- Any mineral that can be burned to produce energy(e.g., coal, natural gas, oil)

Milling- Processing ore into concentrates

Smelting- Process whereby metals are removed from ore or concentratefor use in industry

Geologist- Expert who studies the history, composition, and structure or the earths crust Ore- Rock that contains enough valuable minerals to make mining profitable. Strip Mining- Method of mining used to recover mineral deposits located very near the surface.

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