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Pathos -Use of EmotionsEmotions are used as tools to either quell the mind, ensnare the heart, or enrage the

soul. They can be abused or cared for. That is what makes them the greatest tool in both politics and entertainment

. Gage W. Allen and Colin Osment


A strategy in which a writer tries to generate specific emotions (such as fear, envy, anger, or pity) in an audience to dispose it to accept a claim. 3 Main Uses of Pathos 1. Building Bridges. 2. Sustaining an Argument. 3. Using Humor.

Building Bridges
Pathos is used to connect or build emotional
bridges with the audience.

It is important to build a connection with your

audience on sensitive issues, they want to know you understand.

Example Of Building Bridges

Six Flags Commercial:

Sustaining an Argument
Emotions can help build and sustain a strong

Be careful what emotions you use and how you

use them, because they can turn the audience against.

Sustaining an Argument

Arguing For War

Using Humor
Humor is an important role in arguments, it helps
put people at ease.

Ridicule is humor aimed at a particular target(illintentioned.)

Example of Humor

Other Uses of Pathos in Society

Many of the other known avenues
for pathos are:

Theater. Billboards. Music.

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