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Communications 2150 Intercultural Communications Service Learning Proposal Service Organization Community Partner contact information: Lidya Gonzalez

Academic Literacy Center Free Tutoring Slcc Taylorsville Redwood Campus TB 430 phone: 801-957-4026 E-mail: Project Plan I am helping foreign students improve their english and writing skills by tutoring. I am currently working with Laura La Grutta from Lima, Peru, South America. I have also been assigned to an African Male lassis from Togo in western Africa. I am currently working with Laura: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 1:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. I will also begin working with Lassis every Monday at 11:00 A.M. to noon. I have done 5 hours so far, 4 of them have been spent with Laura. I started Jan. 16th, 2013 with my tutor training. Personal Cultures I am a young man, single and attending my first year of college at SLCC. I am from Layton, UT and have lived in Orange County, CA and Northern France and Central Belgium. I am fluent in the French language and as well the english language. I am a member of the Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter Day Saints and served a full two year mission in the Paris, France mission. I am a big sports fan, I love to watch/follow and play. I am a musician, I follow many groups and genres. I am conservative in politics but tend to not care enough. Culture Groups I have had the opportunity to spend several hours tutoring Laura. I have not had that same opportunity with Lassis. I know that Laura is of Latin descent and is fluent in the Spanish language. She has lived here for several years in the Park City area. I believe she is 30 years of age. She is a current student at SlCC. She has 2 chihuahas, who she seems to care much about. she speaks English very well already, although she does struggle slightly with the higher concepts grammar rules. Challenges

Laura's English is at a very high level, because of her higher level, I need to teach more complicated grammar principles, which can be quite difficult. I have noticed her way of learning seems to be a little bit different from mine, so I really have to try to adapt to her needs. Often with languages, much patience is required and sometimes it can be a challenge to remain patient, both her and I. Her English is very good so most things i understand, though sometimes i struggle a little with accent or context. Benefits I really enjoy working with Laura, I have always loved learning about new cultures and Peru is very foreign to me. I intend on getting my masters in french or in linguistics so this is an excellent opportunity to practice teaching and learning. I get the opportunity to help someone learn a language which I believe is a big door which can block people from learning about one another, or can be a gateway to help cultures come together. I am excited to help Laura feel more comfortable in the English Language.

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