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Work Place Solutions Agency

Moortown Sports & Leisure Centre

Report Danish GUL 10/10/2012

Acknowledgments I have completed writing this report but of course with the help and support from fantastic peoples around me. First and foremost, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to our Clients for guidance, comments and support. I am very indebted of our clients to patience and invaluable advices to see things positively. I would like to thank all community members their belief and generosity in sharing information and experience. This work would not have been

Executive Summary This report is written on bases of survey of Moortown sports and leisure centre to analyse, generate ideas, research and plan to improve the centre. According to this report the sports centre is most popular area of the centre and there are total 13 clubs which are dealing with sports. Moortown club is most popular for his pool and basketball club but unfortunately only 2% of residence uses this centre Report contain all the information about Moortown Centre, Operational Structure of this centre and also some problems which faced by centre this day

Table of Contents
Introduction..............................................................................................1 Clubs & Program of Centre (1.1)............................................................1 Operational Structure.............................................................................2 Communication........................................................................................3 Marketing & Promotion of a center......................................................3 Recommendations...................................................................................4

This report is written on 01/10/2012 which is based on survey about Moortown sports and leisure centre with the help of clients, community members observation, interviews with staff and consultation with key stakeholders to analyse, generate ideas, research and plan to improve our centre and make it better for all. This report is containing marketing and promotions about sport centre, operational structure of centre and some recommendations. During writing this report and taking survey from all possible ways too much new information were find out about Moortown sports and leisure centre. All the possible and important information are added in this report to make this centre more better & useful for all peoples. The opening hours of Moortown sports and leisure centre are 6 AM 10 PM but the peak times are Monday to Friday from 12 PM 2 PM, 8 AM 2 PM on Saturday. The caf is staffed by casuals & Moortown University students which also do many other roles for example life guard, holiday program leaders, umpire, reception etc. The reception of Moortown sports and leisure centre is very busy place of this centre because sports clothing, health supplements, massage oils are also sold at reception with big demand there is a drinks fridge at reception for all students & members. There are five full time staff currently working on Moortown Centre.

1.1 Clubs & Program of Centre

Moortown sports and leisure centre is legally have licensed but unfortunately 65% of community are unaware of any program of centre, 30% are aware of two or fewer programs, only 5% are aware of more than two programs. Moortown Sports Centre based on more than 10 clubs and only 2% residents of Moortown use this club. There are 13 Clubs which are using this centre 1 Moortown Basketball Club 2 Moortown Soccer Club 3 Moortown Athletics 4 Moortown Handball Club 5 Moortown Volleyball Club (NEW) 6 Lake Moortown Rowers 7 Moortown Cricket Club 8 Central Cycling 9 The Moortown Climbers 10 Maulers Basketball Club 11 MSCLC Squash Club 12 Moortown Bowlers 13 MSLC Table Tennis Team Now centre cant fit for any club new clubs. The most popular court of the centre is Pool and Basketball.

Operational Structure

The Moortown sports and leisure centre club is currently working under this operational structure.

01 - Administrator:
Admin Department is the head of Moortown Sports & Leisure Centre and responsible for Transport, .General discipline and finance depart. Of centre.

02 Management: 03 Organiser: 04 Security:

Management is responsible to manage and organise all the events which are held in centre, its also manage security of club. Event Organiser is responsible to held there event under the instructions of management department. Security of centre and members is most important so the security department always alert and ready for any emergency assistance.

05 Club Owners:

There are more than 10 clubs every club have their owner which is responsible for club operational system.

Moortown Sports & Leisure Centre has a strong communication system but still some problems occur in peak times, Central message book is only the source of communication in the centre which cause of double booking and missed booking. All the clubs should update heir data in online system and connect via the entire centre with online system. Its better and easy way of communication.

Marketing & Promotion of a centre

Its very necessary to promote Moortown centre to give aware all the people of city. This centre is unique and most favourite place for all ages but unfortunately so many people are unknown from this club. The management of Moortown Centre always give ads in local newspaper and flyers to promote this centre. Sometimes there is an advertising segment on 3MU community radio but mostly the new clients are attracted by word of mouth, notice board, reception desk and instructors.

Problems which are needed to be solved

Like other centre of city Moortown Centre also have some problems which are really need to be solved. The most important problem is that all bookings e.g. crche, rooms for hire and courts are done by hand in separate records books in various areas, then put together into one book where the cash is paid weekly its caused a lot of double bookings and missed bookings. The meeting of management and staff not done on regular basis this is also caused of miss-management and problems in centre. There are no booking for BBQ Lawn Area.

Seven clubs of centre have longstanding agreements which use 80% of time and space. 6 rooms for therapy treatments 35% centre hired for this on peak time for that. Five news clubs want time for training for better performance. The budget of staff is over than 21% which is more than enough because room are hired on casual basis and centre received only 15% of all monies.

After getting survey and writing this report I understand the condition of centre and problems of this centre. I recommend some points which are hopefully in favour of Moortown Centre and help to make it best of all. Moortown sports and leisure centre need to cancel all contracts and leases which are done in past and make new contracts for all clubs according to the present condition of this centre. Moortown centre need to make online computerised data record which really help full to stop double booking missed booking. Centre has to set up a communication system better with the wireless network. No any procedure and booking dome with hand to hand. Must be recorded in online computer data. Centre have to start training for all clubs The budget of staff must be limited to 15% Centre need more advertising to promote its clubs. Have to start some advertising camping for it This is some points which make Moortown Centre more attractive and best for all. I hope that management and administrator department appreciate my work and take some serious decision for make Moortown Centre better.

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