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Reading Content Standards

Great Expectations Sparknotes

Having already read Great Expectations, you should be familiar with the novel. But look through the Characters and Themes/Motifs pages on the Sparknotes website. Then, categorize five of the characters and at least three of the themes/motifs to show how they are relevant to each other, and briefly explain why. (Characters can be applied to more than one theme/motif.)

Pip often sees the world in black and white, categorizing people as good or evil. Name one character Pip considers to be "good" and one character he considers to be "evil." Argue or support Pip's opinion of those characters.

Read the "Summary and Analysis" page with the synopsis of the storyline. Create Freytag's pyramid and apply Great Expectation's plot points to the pyramid.

Great Expectations Quotes





Writing Content Standards

Narrative writing

What two things do you want to avoid in writing your narrative?

What should you focus on in writing your narrative?

Literary Terms

Find and list five terms relevant to writing your narrative. Define them in your own words.

Essay Topics

Choose one of the suggested narrative topics and draw a picture (it doesn't have to be a masterpiece) of it. Pretend it is the illustrated cover to the narrative or draw a multi-panel comic strip. It can either encompass a scene or the "big picture" of the narrative. Then, write down which topic you chose and what you would see, hear, smell, taste, and feel in the scene you drew, and what the theme or lesson in the story would be (even if you can't draw the theme itself out; that is an abstract idea, after all.)
Topic: See: Hear: Smell: Taste: Feel: Theme:

Image Sources
MisterAibo. "Vector - Book(Cover)." Image. MisterAibo's deviantART gallery. deviantART. 30 March 2012. Web. 5 May 2013. Zcool."Quill and Paper." Image. All-free-download. n.p. n.d. web. 5 May 2013. "Great Expectations Finlay Currie." Image. classicfilmfreak. Classic Film Freak. 28 April 2012. Web. 5 May 2013. "Quotation Marks." Image. Reuters. Thomson Reuters. 26 Oct 2012. Web. 5 May 2013.

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