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The Tiffin University Times

March 2013

Acclimating a New Generation at Tiffin University

Shanna Litton Staff Writer

College is a place to learn, grow and prosper. It can also prove to be a challenge for young adults who are adjusting to new surroundings, new faces and new work loads. Lucky for the incoming class of freshmen at Tiffin University, this adjustment just became a little more bearable. With the leadership of Rachel Crooks and Jamie Marinis, a mentorship program has been brought to TUs rapidly growing campus. Of the 40 new students who participated in the New2TU program this past fall, 90% of those students have returned to TU for their second semester. We are very pleased with the results of the program and hope that the friendship

and mentorship between the pairs continues long after the first semester has ended, says Co-leader Jamie Marinis. Being able to know that I helped someone is a bigger reward than I could have imagined, says Margaret Larkin of Marion Ohio, a current senior Communications Major at Tiffin University. Larkin enrolled in the New 2 TU Mentoring program to help incoming freshmen get a better start into their college career. When asked why she participated in the mentoring prog r a m L a r kin responded: When I was a

freshman, here the people who had the biggest impact on me, and who I remember the most, were the upperclassmen. They always had such useful information, which professors to take and who to avoid, where to eat, what to do to be successful, and I just wanted to have that kind of impact on someone else. Elizabeth Cousino is one freshman to have survived her first semester at Tiffin University and was also a participant in the New 2 TU program. Through word of mouth, Cousino heard about


the opportunity to have a mentor and jumped at the chance. Cousino has learned valuable lessons through her mentorship sessions and stated that the program helped her learn to make new friends and how to interact with people around campus. Cousino now looks forward to being a future mentor, to paying it forward and encouraging more freshmen with their struggles to adjust to college life. New 2 TU was formulated to get upperclassmen involved with incoming freshm e n classes, so as to bridge the age a n d

social gap among the students. After its virgin voyage in the Fall Semester of 2012, the New 2 TU program hit the desired benchmarks Crooks and Marinis set out to achieve. The New2TU program provides new Tiffin students a built-in guide for their first semester. The goal is for the new students to experience all that the University and town of Tiffin have to offer, and hopefully create lasting friendships in the process says Co-Leader Rachel Crooks. Mentoring is the next step in bringing about student involvement to Tiffin campus, and what better way teach, than to learn together through action. Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin.

Gun Control on Campus: Just a War?

Who Should and Shouldnt Have a gun

town. Teachers are support gun control on campus as well. Jonnie Myers-Debbink , a teacher of English writing class who has given her student a topic of gun control in class. I do not want any of my students to have a gun with him on campus, she said, It will scare me. Students from America also agree with gun control in Tiffin University.This country should ban semi-automatic and automatic weapons including magazine capacities exceeding 10 counts, said James Stewart, government and national security major.

Would you feel uneasy, if one of your roommates kept a gun with him or her? What is the students attitude towards gun control in school? The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 5 2012, killed 20 children and six adult staff members. This tragedy not only breaks parents heart but also cause alarms for gun control in school. International students support gun control on campus. Stefania Viscardi, sport management major, freshmen who comes Canada said, Only the dean of the school should have a gun. She also points out that guns are controlled in Canada, so she feels safer in her home-

Cheng Qian Staff Writer

What is your opinion?

[Editors Note: Future articles will examine this topic and other school violence in a comprehensive study. Be on the look out.]

For a number of years I have not believed in the Just War Theory. How could one ever justify killing even ones enemy? I ask myself. Love your enemy. Do good to those who hate you, Jesus instructs. Perhaps Churches have upheld this theory so long, more out of a sense of hopelessness in dealing with horrific violence than out of a belief that war with all its inherent atrocities toward innocent people can actually be justified. Its the best we can do attitude guided

such a theory perhaps.I believe NOW is the time to dismantle this age-old nonacceptable belief. We can each take small steps in our behavior and language, e.g. in dismantling violence around us. If we take one step today, if we lay one more brick in building a non-violent culture, the time will come when we can see that Gods kingdom has come among us.
Provided by Sisters of St. Francis

Whats Inside
Page 2- Features International Dinner Drama: Curious Savages LGBT Conference Page 3- Features Q&A: Nick Reinhard Heminger Opinion Page 4- Entertainment Students Music Project Macklemore Opinion Oscar Results Page 5- Society Greek LIfe Equestrian Insider Page 6- Editorial Bars of Tiffin Word Search

Attention Graduating Seniors

Co-curricular forms are due to Lori Distel by April 1st in order to have them documented by graduation. Co-curricular can be checked online through My Dragon using your student ID number. Students are required to complete 26 hours of co-curricular: 13 hours of service learning and 13 hours of personal development. Any questions regarding co-curricular may be directed to Lori Distel at

No Weapeans Allowed sign on campus

Photo taken by Cheng Qian

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