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Polycythemia: Types

1.Polycythemia Rubra vera

Accelerated prolofiration of marrow
stem cell
→ ↑ production of RBCs
→ ↑ production of WBCs
→ ↑ production of platelets
2.Secondary Polycythemia
Secondary to other factor
Polycythemia Vera : Defination

Polycythemia vera is an abnormal

increase in blood cells (primarily red

blood cells) due to excess production of

the cells by the bone marrow
Polycythemia Vera : Defination

•Increase in the total red cell mass

>36ml/kg in males
>32 ml/kg in females
• It is usually associated with
↑ in HB
↑ in hematocrite
↑ in red cell count
Polycythemia Vera

Age: usually above 40

Sex: males > females
Etiology: Unknown
Usually gradual presentation by
vague symptoms

+++ viscosity of blood

→ risk of thrombosis
→ disturbance of O2 transport
→ peripheral V.D
→ Stagnation of blood in peripheral
→ ++ cardiac output
→ cardiomegally &heart failure
Polycythemia Vera: Clinical presentation

•Red coloration, especially of the face (Plethora)



•Symptoms caused by splenomegally (75%)


•Hypertention (20-50%)

•Vision problems

Polycythemia Vera: Diagnosis

Blood Picture:
RBCs usually () 7-10x106
HB 17-22 gm%
Ht usually () 60-70%
Platelets usually ↑, may reach (million or more)
WBCs ↑ in the majority of cases
Polycythemia Vera: Diagnosis

Bone Marrow Aspiration:

Hyperactivity of all blood elements with ↑
Serum Uric acid: increases
E.S.R: Decrease
Erythropoietin Decrease
Polycythemia Vera: Complications

• Myelosclerosis

• Myeloid leukemia

• Vascular thrombosis

• Haemorrhage

• 2ry gout
Polycythemia Vera:Treatment

• Repeated Venesection:

300-500 c.c each time

repeated according to severity

→ No effect on platelets or WBCs

→ Iron defeciency
Polycythemia Vera:Treatment
2. Radioactive phosphorus:

Long remissions

may lead to leukemia

3. Chemotherapy

Busulphan (Myleran)

Chlorumbucil (leukeran)

Hydroxyurea (Hydrea)
Secondary polycythemia
New born
High altitude
Obstructive lung disease
congenital cyanotic heart disease
Renal tumors
cushing syndrome
Normal WBCs - Platelets- no splenomegally

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