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Textbook: NorthStar: Listening and Speaking Level 5 (3rd Edition) Unit 5: Feng Shui, Ancient Wisdoms Travels West

Week: the ninth week Time allocation: 2 weeks, meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (75 minutes/ lesson). Unit-plan key: TB--- Textbook

Week 9

Unit 5 Feng Shui: Ancient Wisdom Travels West



New Chapter- Unit 5 1. Introduction to the new topic: a. Watch a short video clip on Feng Shui as a class: Then discuss some questions with the partners: whats happening in the movie? Can you guess why moving the table affects the old womans health? b. Explain what Feng Shui is, and ask students to do the task B1 & B2 (P.100). 2. Vocabulary Learning/preparation: a. Read and listen to the passage, and complete the matching exercise on P. 102. b. Use the appropriate forms of the vocabulary items to fill in the blank. See in

1. Review the vocabulary items learned in the class. (both learned and unfamiliar words encountered in the listening) 2. Review the listening (content & exercises), take notes if having any remaining questions. 3. Listen to the Listening two, and complete the bugua chart on P. 107.

Appendix A. c. Do exercise 1C2 to check the comprehension of the reading material. 3. Listening Practice: a. Before listening, ask students to work with a partner, predicting the content of the listening materials: TB 2A (P. 103) b. Listen to the main ideas, and complete the chart on P.103- P 104. Check answers with partners and together as a class. c. Listen for details, and complete the T/F questions. See in Appendix B. And check answers as a whole class. d. Make inferences, ask students to finish the exercises under MI on P. 105. Complete the chart (See in Appendix C), and discuss your answers with your partner. Wednesday 1. Warm-up: watch a short clip on top ten feng shui tips, Take notes while listening. Discuss some questions with your partners (try to use the learned vocabulary) See detailed information in Appendix D. 2. Students check the bugua charts with a partner, and then the teacher will collect and point out the disagreed ones. Listen to the excerpt again, and ask students to explain the answers by themselves. 3. Grammar presentation: 3B1 (P. 112), hand out a worksheet with authentic examples containing discourse connectors. Ask students to underline the 1. review the grammar points. 2. review the vocabulary items from both listenings, and finish exercise 3A, review and expand.

discourse connectors and discuss the functions and formality of them. Then put them into different columns contrast, addition, result, and formal, informal. See in Appendix E. 4. Do exercise 3B2 (P. 114) and exercise 3B3 (P. 114). Friday 1. Vocabulary Review: a. Competition game: matching the definitions and words. Students will get either a word or a definition. They should walk around and check the answers to find the matched one. Giving one extra point to the student doing the fastest. b. Check homework and answers, explain where the students do not understand. c. Do activity 3A Create (P. 111-112) 2. Practice on topic of Fengshui by integrating grammar and vocabulary a. Do activity 2C on P. 108. Try to use the spoken discourse connectors and the vocabulary items studied in the class. 3. Retell the story of listening two. Record it in 4,3 and 2 minutes respectively. (Use spoken discourse connectors and learned vocabulary). Select one sample to discuss the strengths and weakness of it. (Fluency, massage delivery clear or not, pronunciation, intonation, word and discourse connector choices, good expressions.) 4. Introduce research project assignment: requirements, and useful resources, grading etc. Detailed information see in my follow-up project design. 1.Listen to your 4/3/2 task recordings. Analyze the strengths and weakness of your speaking prompts according to the criterions we discussed in the class.

2. Preview the presentation on pronunciation (P. 114). Listen and do exercise 3C1.

3. Do a research online with a partner, try to explore other ancient traditions that have traveled west (tai chi, yoga, reiki, shiatsu massage, karate, and tae kwon do, etc.) and prepare a short report for the next class. (Use spoken discourse connector and learned vocabulary)

Week 10

Unit 5 Feng Shui: Ancient Wisdom Travels West



1. Students work in groups and compare the answers for homework. Then listen to the audio again, students draw the intonation and pause pattern of the sentences with the introducers. Briefly explain the pattern to the class. 2. Do exercise 3C2 (p. 115) with a partner. Read the conversation aloud and pay attention to the intonation of the introducers. 3. Discuss the questions on 3C3 with a partner. Use an introducer to begin your answer. 4. Students present their online research of ancient traditions. Other students should take notes while listening and ask some questions about anything they are curious about. After presenting, students walk around and ask their questions to each group (Discussion). Students have to take notes about what other students are curious and questioning about, try to incorporate them in their final products.

1. Listen to the examples and preview the functional language use part. Emphasizing a point

2. Try to find two more real life examples that use the expression listed in table on P. 117. (friends, families, online materials: videos, audios, news, etc.) Bring them to the next class.

3. Start to conduct an interview to a person who is familiar to the tradition you are investigating on.


1. Break into groups, share the collected sentences with the group members, and explain to each other

1. Review the materials learned in the class so far, and prepare to tomorrows quiz and presentation.

what does the sentence emphasize on. 2. Listen to the examples again, and present the use of emphatic expressions. (P. 116-117) Do exercise 3C Function 2 on P. 117 (Opinion-gap). 3. Review the materials learned so far: Do the activity on P. 118 presenting an argument (Try to use the vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and the language for emphasizing a point learned in the unit.) 4. Talking about tomorrows quiz and project presentation.


1. End-up-unit quiz---go to MyNorthStarLab Assessment tool-finish the test of unit 5. 2. Project presentation: see detailed information in my follow-up project design.

1. check what you did right and wrong on the quiz.

2. Preview unit 6: finish MyNorthStarLab- Readiness Check.

Appendix A

Read the following sentences and use the correct word forms from the word bank to fill in the blank. The first one has been done for you.

frown upon sense quote transcendent

sense align abundant

circulate caught off-guard digress

hard-bitten sceptical anecdote

1. My grandfather tells these long rambling stories in which he makes digression to tell others smaller stories. 2. I was ______________by his sudden angry. I had thought he had agreed with me. 3. This massage helps with weight control and ___________ of blood and cleaning. 4. Your wrinkles on the forehead should not be ___________ because they can add character to your face and give a further insight to your ability to succeed. 5. Many people regard Feng Shui ___________. They are not convinced that it is a reliable or consistent approach to design.

6. His eyes meet close together near the bridge indicating a person with a strong ___________ of self-preservation who can be very suspicious in nature. 7. People like the image of _________ and limitless quantity. Stores keep their shelves full because most customers will not buy an item if its the only one remaining on the shelf. 8. You need to straighten the two pictures on the wall. They are not properly_________. 9. Feng shui master are often __________ in magazine articles for their ideas on design and decorating. 10. Style changes with the times, but beauty is unchanging and _____________. 11. Mr. Post referred to the intention of a site and invisible beings. He offered some professional ____________ that illustrated these concepts.

Appendix B

Listen for details: Try to take notes while listening. Complete the following T/F questions according to your notes. Part One: 1. Lagatree doesn't think feng shui is a way to keep out evil spirits, because its just a system of arranging the objects around your home in a harmonious way. ( ) 2. Feng Shui is huge in Asia, but it is not huge in U.S. ( )

3. Chinese live in San Francisco can remove the one-way street sign if it is put up pointing toward their house. ( ) 4. Lagatree chose her home according to the feng shui. ( )

5. Lagatree didn't place her desk facing the window, because of the bad feng shui, and it can also surprise the person who comes into your office. ( ) Part Two: 1. It is good to put the mirror in the bedroom, because it will help the energy circulate in a more healthy way. ( )

2. It is good to put the mirror in the dining room, because it can suddenly double your abundance. ( ) 3. As a journalist, Lagatree fell in love with feng shui at the first place. ( 4. Lagatree became more and more skeptical to feng shui. ( ) )

5. Everyone can sense whether it has good feng shui or not when s/he walk into a building. ( )

Appendix C Make inferences: Listen to the excerpts, paying attention to the speakers speed, pitch, tone and word choices. Fill in the chart, and complet e the exercise on P. 105. Discuss the answers with your partner. Excerpt One: Sedge Thomson Speed Kirsten Lagatree



Descriptive words

Excerpt Two:

Sedge Thomson Speed

Kirsten Lagatree



Descriptive words

Excerpt Three: Sedge Thomson Speed Kirsten Lagatree



Descriptive words

Appendix D Handout: watch a video clip on top ten feng shui tips, and take notes. Tip #10

Tip # 9

Tip # 8

Tip # 7

Tip # 6

Tip # 5

Tip # 4

Tip # 3

Tip # 2

Tip # 1

Discussion questions: 1. Discuss with your partner the similarities and differences (if any) of the principles on the clip and on the listening one.

2. Is there any principle you want to use to change your home? If so, what changes would you like to make? If not, why are you skeptical? (try to use the vocabulary you have learned)

Appendix E Underline the discourse connectors and discuss with your partners the function and formality of them. Try to put them into different columns. 1. The 2013 feng shui star here is the Wealth star # 8, and its feng shui element is Earth.

2. In addition to the roller shades, a small shoji screen was added in the wall between the sleeping area and the office.

3. When it is broken down, no part of the cube is wider than three feet, so it can fit through a standard door.

4. For companies that put stock in it. Therefore, Mr. Heaner has learned to ask for their feng shui master to examine the space

5. Qi rides the wind and scatters, but is retained when encountering water.

6. Everyone appreciates the benefits of beautiful, comfortable living environments. However, Feng Shui takes the approach that your surroundings affect your level of material comfort and your physical and mental health.

7. Pop Feng Shui does little good to truly change your health, wealth, or harmony. Classical Feng Shui, on the other hand, is based on scientific and mathematical calculations that you can apply to completely change your luck.

8. This influence is achieved by positioning or designing your surroundings in harmony with principles of natural energy flow. As a result, you (and your life) can achieve harmony with your surroundings.

9. The state of your kitchen is not only connected to the state of your health, but also to the flow of prosperity and abundance in your life. Plus, in feng shui, as well as in most old cultures around the globe, the kitchen is considered to be the heart of the home.

10. They lack a physical and mathematical principle to explain their work. Feng Shui, in contrast, does have physical and mathematical principles for its hypotheses.

11. Fengshui can be understood as the answer to mysteries of the cosmos. Moreover, it also presents a range of remedies, to enhance and develop happiness and prosperity in the life of people.

12. If you want to find fortune and luck under your Christmas tree, you should make sure that everyone who enters your home places something special on your tree. Furthermore, Feng Shui suggests that the best placement of your tree is either in the center or left of the room. Create your own glossary: put the discourse connectors into the columns. 1. Function:




2. Formality: first please guess where are those sentences from? (newspaper, magazines, oral interview, oral news report, etc. ?) Then try to put the discourse connectors into different columns.



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