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His Family By Alyssa Diaz As she opened the note her tears ran like streams I cannot just

tell them, theyll cry, they will weep Im a widow now, oh why? Husband, why? If only we knew he had so little time.

Five days had it been, since she got the letter I must tell them now, it is now, or its never. Oh sweetums! she called, her voice filled their ears. Your father, Im sorry, his time, it was near.

It had just slipped out, she could hold it no longer For whom death had taken: her husband, their father. Why daddy? they screamed, as they cried tsunamis Oh father, dont leave us! Dont leave us and mommy!

On November 19th, his funeral will be That kind, loving family, one member set free. Free to the heavens and clouds, sending love That brave man in camouflage is watching above.

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