Data Structures and Algorithms2011

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Reg. No. : r....r.........rr........o.....t.

M 19287

Name | .............................t.......

- including Part Time) B.Tech.(Reg./Sup./Imp. IV Semester DegreeExamination,June 20ll (2007Admn.) 2K6CS/IT 402: DATA STRUCTURESAND ALGORITHMS
Time:3 Hours
and time complexityof a program. I. a) Define space datatype with example. b) Explain structure of circularlinked list over a linear list ? c) What arethe advantages OrdinaryQueueandCircularQueue. d) Distinguishbetween e) Write a shortnote on heapmanagement. 0 Write a note on prioritY queue. g) Discussdifferenthashingfunctions. orderusingtheBubbleSortalgorithm. (8x5=' h) Sort 10,15,6,5, 8, 12 nascending II. 1) a) Find theBig-oh notationfor the following : r) 8n + 4n3+ 8na ii) n2+nlogn


iii) .fi- * 3 log n.

in detail. b) What do you meanby scalardatatypes? Explain any 2 datatypes OR Z) Give the generalplan for analysingthe recursivealgorithms.Mathematically analysethe factorial problem, clearly indicatethe stepsand comment on its complexity. for performingthe following : m. 1) a) Write algorithms in a singly linked list. r) To find the sum of all the elernents ii) To appenda new elementto the end of the linked list. b) What is a stack? Explain the basicoperations.

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M 19287

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of the linked list.

how nodescanbe addedanddeletedfrom themiddle 2) a) Explainwith diagrams, '.!..r ,i r b) Write an algorithmto convertan'infix string into a postfix string.Traceyour 10 algorithmon the following string:

rv. 1) a)

a+bxc+d. ? How is it differentfrom Write Kruskal'salgorithm.What areits applications Prim's algorithm?

example, explainBreadthFirst algorithm. b) With suitable Search

7 8

of graph. 2) a) Explain any 3 methodsof representation

9 b) Write the resultsafter traversingthe tree in in-order,preorderand post order. 6 (t5)


v. 1) a)



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What is a heap?Write an algorithmto sort an arrayof integersusingthe heap on the sortmethod.Given 30, 61,52,42, 15,90, 88, 37 arethe elements of sorting. 15 array.Show the differentstages

2) a) What is hashing? Explain the methodsfor resolvinghashcollision.

b) What are the different methodsof searching? Discusstheir merits and demerits.


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