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Draft April Meeting Minutes

April 10, 2013 Opening Prayer Approved March Meeting Minutes Fundraisers th 8 grade fundraiser meeting Weds., May 1 at 7 p.m. Sarah Reynolds Mr. Showalter

Hogan/Keplinger Award forms are available to nominate exceptional volunteer. Link to form: FMary-Hogan-Award&h=-AQG9v7Fo&s=1 Spring Dance Sat., April 13, 2013 Chairpersons: Tamera Campbell, Paula Boccabello, Sarah Hernandez Food: Italian to be served at 7p.m. Band: Doug Segree Band starts at 8 p.m. Silent Auction: Baskets will be provided by each grade. Tickets: $35 a person or $60 per couple Donations: Gift cards needed for a balloon pop, Redskins, Orioles tickets, Condo rentals For more information: School Advisory Board Tish Musselman

Openings are available for S.A.B. asking for a brief resume and what you can bring to the board. Earn volunteer hours as a member. Contact Tish Musselman by email at or call (301) 633-2161.

CYO Baseball and Softball - Amy Craig is commissioner Fall soccer - 3 grade and up (soccer starts with 2nd graders) Career Day Thurs., May 2 All Day

Robert Braswell

Renee Dearring

Volunteer Hours June 1 is the cut-off to fulfill requirement

To check the status or your hours, follow this link:

4-H Club Rachel Pla Need another parent leader and at least 5 kids interested to start the program. Dues are $10 annually. Robotics, small engine repair are other activities offered besides agriculture. Principals Report: New Instructional room down by Kindergarten classroom completed over spring break. Closed circuit TV would like to get this system installed soon. Library to move again to make room for a new Pre-K3 program It would be a year-round extended day program. Accreditation Catholic schools office visited and they were very complimentary.

Family Life Center $47,000 deficit might end up at $60,000 or $70,000 deficit

Banner Count th 6 grade wins Next meeting May 8 at 7 p.m.

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