Assignment9 Progress Report

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Katrina Dubbs Music Progress Report- Ninth Grade Childs name Music Instructor School Year_______

(B)eginning Your child has been exposed to this area of learning. (D)eveloping Your child is presently developing an understanding of this area through direct instruction. (C)ompetent Your child has demonstrated, through assessment, competency in this learning area. Not Marked This area has not been approached at the time of the report Learning Area: Musical Skills (Singing, improvisation) Sings in tune within his/her comfortable range Sings with appropriate placement (not too forward, back, or nasal/through the nose) Blends well with other singers Communicates expressive elements (dynamics, articulation) through singing Able to improvise melodies and rhythms in popular songs in the repertoire Literacy (reading music) Reads and understands rhythms (quarter notes, half notes, eighth notes, sixteenth notes, triplets) Follows the movement of the notes (in performance) up or down according to the music Identifies meters and meter changes Reads and understands dynamic markings (soft, loud, crescendo, decrescendo, etc.) History and Literature (appreciation and listening) Identifies the different types and styles of music being studied/rehearsed Demonstrates appreciation of the repertoire through discussion and performance Analysis and Preference (analyzing music and reactions to music) Uses appropriate terminology in describing and explaining music Aurally identifies various textures and harmonies Communicates personal preferences and respects the preferences of others regarding pieces in the repertoire Related Arts and Humanities Demonstrates a basic understanding how music relates to society and culture Able to discuss music by relating the music to other Progress Level: B D C

forms of art (dance, visual arts, drama) and fields outside of the arts Teacher Comments Parent Comments (first grading period) (first grading period)

Student Signature (first grading period)

Teacher Comments (second grading period)

Parent Comments (second grading period)

Student Signature (second grading period)

Teacher Comments (third grading period)

Parent Comments (third grading period)

Student Signature (third grading period)

Teacher Comments (fourth grading period)

Parent Comments (fourth grading period)

Student Signature (fourth grading period)

Written summary: I have never seen a written progress report for any class before this assignment, but I would like to use this in the future. In my student teaching, I have encountered a few parents that are not aware of the progress their children are or should be making. Giving parents this report as well as detailed information regarding standards and curriculum requirements (which would likely be in the syllabus) will hopefully encourage more support from the parents. I will not be able to distribute this progress report.

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