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AN OFFICIAL GOVERNING DOCUMENT. ALL STATE PERSONNEL (officers, committee chairmen, Executive Board members) MUST FAMILIARIZE THEMSELVES WITH THE INTERNATIONAL CONSTITUTION AND STANDING RULES and the THETA STATE BYLAWS AND THETA STATE STANDING RULES, WHICH ARE OUR SOCIETYS GOVERNING DOCUMENTS. I. ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE THETA STATE PRESIDENT A. Upon Assuming Office 1. President will select a biennium theme including a graphic logo and slogan. 2. President is responsible for creating and updating a Theta State letterhead for the biennium. The letterhead will be made available to all officers and committee chairman in hard copy and/or electronically at the time of the Theta State Leadership Seminar following her election. 3. President will submit an official portrait to State Editor and a Presidents message and her calendar for each TSN issue. 4. The State President is responsible for the display of the State Banner at all Theta State functions (e.g., meetings, convention, Leadership Seminar, and any other Theta State sponsored events). 5. President should work with Finance and Nominations Committee chairmen to schedule their meetings. Nominations Committee will meet by November 1 of the year when new officers are to be nominated. 6. Chapter Visits: State President should visit all chapters in the state at least once during the biennium. It is suggested that arrangements be made to combine visits within areas/ coordinating councils. B. International and Regional 1. Theta State President is expected to attend represent New Mexico at all International and SW Regional functions. 2. President or her appointee shall arrange for a meal function for attending members during the events. 3. A corsage for the president/person representing the president shall be ordered by the individual, and Theta State shall pay for the corsage. 4. Training at International Meetings: a. International meetings: State President is expected to attend all training sessions/ meetings called by the International President. b. International Society generally pays 1/2 of a shared room for required training of the state president and will pay transportation to and from such events (airfare/automobile) with mileage being counted from the state's capitol city. 5. The State President submits reports to International by March 1st. 6. The State President is responsible for the presenting the State Banner and escorting the incoming State President at SW Regional Conference. C. State Meetings 1. The president will receive assistance from the Parliamentarian as needed at all meetings. 2. President should always be aware of any agenda changes for approval/non approval. 3. The State President decides when colors are to be posted (at the Executive Board Meetings and/or any meal function). D. Executive Committee 1. The State President shall convene a minimum of two (2) (executive) Executive Committee meetings per year: August and January. a. August Meeting: prepare for Fall Executive Board Meeting; decide upon International guest to request for spring state convention b. January meeting: prepare for spring State Convention

2. President may call Executive Committee meetings after state meetings (fall and spring). E. State Convention 1. President decides dress code for banquet at state convention and is to inform International Representative and the Theta State membership. 2. President's choice of program at banquet may include (but is not restricted to) the following: a. Chapter Presidents' Presentation Ceremony (even years) b. Golden Moments (honoring past Theta State Presidents) c. Founders' Celebration 3. President should guide host chapters and the local steering committee to arrange for the state convention. 4. President and treasurer will guide hosting chapter(s) as to numbers to turn in for catered meals. General rule is to call in 3% under projected number. This is a safeguard against paying extra for meals not purchased by convention goers. F. Fall Meeting and Birthday Luncheon 1. President is to work with Central Coordinating Council (CCC) for Fall Birthday Luncheon: Theme for luncheon and program during luncheon. 2. CCC is to arrange for the luncheon speaker. 3. Speakers honorarium may be requested from Theta State Speaker's Fund and/or the Theta State budgeted allocation and/or from event profits. 4. State President has final approval concerning the intended speaker. 5. President shall guide CCC as to how much to pad the meal cost for catered meals. 6. The State President will work with the 1st Vice President to coordinate workshops and schedules at the fall meeting. 7. The CCC Coordinator will report to the Spring Executive Board about the outcome of the previous fall meeting and request approval for the next fall meeting date. 8. The State President will approve release of Theta State funds upon receipt of a projected budget from the CCC Coordinator and CCC Treasurer for Fall Executive Board meeting and the Birthday Luncheon. II. BANKING A. President is responsible for the key to the state safety deposit box. Safety deposit box shall be maintained in President's hometown with one (1) other local member to have access to deposit box, whose name will be entered into record at the Fall Executive Board meeting. B. The President shall work with the State Treasurer to insure that on July 1 or close to the date, ALL signatories in the new biennium which will include Theta State Treasurer, Theta State President, and two (2) Theta State Delta Kappa members will convene at the same time to have signatures on file in the bank(s) where Theta State monies are held. All signatories will be entered into record at the Fall Executive Board meeting. C. The President, one other officer, and the Treasurer will be identified at the bank(s) as accountable for funds. The Immediate Past President will remain on bank cards for emergency purposes. III. ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT A. First Vice President shall head the programs in Theta State. B. In developing a budget for presenters, the chairman may request approval from Executive Board to use funds from the Theta State Speakers Fund sub-savings account. She 1. presents and coordinates workshops for Fall Meeting and State Convention at the discretion of the State President. 2. contacts presenters and communicates their needs to CCC and/or convention steering committee. 3. communicates closely with CCC for Fall Meeting and with the steering committee for convention

4. 5. 6. 7. C.

D. E. F.

shall be in charge of directional signs for state meetings (if required). provides program information/flyer/booklet for all workshop offerings. provides amenities for workshop presenters. (thank you card, small favor, etc.) will communicate with the International Educational Excellence Committee in order to meet the goals set by the International biennium program. First Vice-President is chairman of the Educational Excellence Committee whose members consist of the State Subcommittee Chairmen for: 1. Program 2. Personal Growth and Services 3. Professional Affairs 4. Research 5. Awards 6. Legislative/US Forum 7. Music First Vice-President writes articles for Theta State News. She shall attend Regional Training sessions during the SW Regional Conferences or find another Theta State member to take her place. The International Meeting Stipend is 1/2 shared room for one night. First Vice-President submits reports to International by March 1st.

IV. ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT A. State Convention She 1. contacts State Convention Chairman to arrange for Ceremony of Remembrance needs: microphone, room, etc. 2. coordinates with State Music Chairman/host chapter(s) to assist with Ceremony of Remembrance 3. will prepare and distribute a program/booklet for the Ceremony of Remembrance with enough extras to send to families. 4. coordinates information with the State Treasurer and State Editor regarding member deaths reports B. As Membership Committee chairman, she is responsible for workshops on membership concerns at State meetings. C. Second Vice-President receives and reports notices of member deaths in Theta State to International and to Theta State News editor for publication in Theta State News White Roses column. D. Second Vice-President assists chapters with membership recruitment, retention, and reinstatement and provides support to struggling chapters. E. As the custodian of Membership inventory/paraphernalia for conducting Theta State ceremonies, she keeps an accurate inventory to pass on to new Second Vice President/Membership chairman. F. Second Vice-President shall coordinate (with the Rituals and Music Committee chairmen) all initiations of State Honorary members. G. Second Vice-President submits reports to International by March 1st V. ADDITIONAL EXPECTATIONS OF THE RECORDING SECRETARY She A. is responsible for minutes from all meetings called by Theta State President B. types and sends meeting minutes to President and the Minutes Approval Committee within 14 fourteen days after the meeting C. shall use e-mail with attachment whenever possible E. shall maintain a file of the Theta State minutes. No minutes shall ever be destroyed. F. shall have equipment assigned in order to assist in gathering accurate minutes: tape recorder and tapes. G. shall store tapes for one biennium.

H. shall send final copy of the minutes to the entire Executive Board within 6 weeks after a State meeting, I. shall be aware that Executive Committee meeting minutes stay within the Executive Committee. These minutes are not sent to the Minutes Approval Committee. VI. ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY She A. shall read all correspondence at State meetings as provided by the President B. shall send correspondence deemed necessary by the President C. shall notify Theta State committee chairmen and officers when state reports are to be submitted for meetings AND shall acknowledge via e-mail that report has been received D. shall gather, coordinate, and arrange (in order of the meeting agenda) all state reports for the fall and spring Theta State meetings E. shall be responsible for folders for state meetings and their distribution at state meetings; folders to include: 1. agenda 2. minutes of immediate past meeting 3. reports in print and/or electronic media 4. appropriate number of voting cards will be included in all folders. F. shall have a list of all who need folders at state meetings. If a name appears more than once on the list, a single folder shall be issued.

VII. ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE STATE TREASURER She A. is the authorized custodian of Theta State funds. B. is to keep an accurate and detailed account of all moneys received and paid out. C. should immediately deposit all moneys received in a bank approved by the Executive Committee. D. will be identified at the bank(s) as accountable for the funds, along with the President and one other officer. The Immediate Past President will remain on bank cards for emergency purposes. E. will see that checks are signed by two persons with signatures on file with the bank. F. will collect organization moneys (special sales, special projects, etc.) without delay. G. will pay all invoices/reimbursements by check. Date, payee, purpose or reason for payment, and budgeted fund under which the payment is made should be noted on the check stub. Similar information is entered in the permanent record book. H. prepares a report for regular meetings of the Society and at other times as requested by the President or Finance Committee. I. will prepare reports, for all accounts and investments, should, minimally, contain the following items: 1. balance on hand at the beginning of the period covered by the report 2. total receipts for the period 3. total disbursements for the period 4. interest gained, if in an interest-bearing account/investment 5. balance on hand at the date of the report J. will attend and provide all necessary information and materials for an audit/review of the books which will be conducted annually. K. will not issue any money without the Presidents approval. L. shall annually submit a Form 990 report for the IRS before November 15 and will assist the chapters submission of their IRS reports. M. will send a check for convention seed money and for fall meeting allocated funds upon receipt of a budget from the hosting chapter(s). N. will provide at least one workshop training yearly for chapter treasurers.

O. shall attend trainings provided by International for which she receives Theta State travel stipend support P. shall work with an apprentice for training purposes during her term of office. PA VIII. ADDITIONAL EXPECTATIONS OF THE THETA STATE NEWS EDITOR She A. will be in charge of publishing Theta State News four (4) times annually. B. may ask chapters, officers, and other members of Delta Kappa Gamma to contribute newsworthy items. C. oversees a small bank account to cover returned TSN issues. Funds may be requested, as needed, at Executive Board. D. shall attend trainings provided by International for which she receives Theta State travel stipend support E. shall cover Theta State member participation at International and Regional events F. For training purposes, she shall work with an apprentice during her term of office. PA IX. ADDITIONAL EXPECTATIONS OF THE PARLIAMENTARIAN She A. shall be familiar with general parliamentary rules and terms B. shall be familiar with the International Constitution and Standing Rules. C. shall be familiar with Theta State Bylaws and Standing Rules D. is present at all meetings called by the President and is to assist the President when there is need. E. shall prepare rules of order for state meetings . F. shall announce at all Theta State meetings: Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised (current edition) shall govern the proceedings of Theta State New Mexico in all cases not provided for in the Constitution, International Standing Rules, Theta State Bylaws, or Theta State Standing Rules. G. shall work with an apprentice for training purposes during her term of office. PA X. ADDITIONAL EXPECTATIONS OF THE WEBMASTER She A. shall attend trainings provided by International. B. must assure that the Theta State website is in compliance with International policies. C. must communicate with persons submitting items for website posting to: 1) determine appropriate format for each item. 2) assure that necessary permission has been obtained for each item. D. shall obtain the approval of the State President for all changes and postings to the website. E. will update the website at least monthly and more often as needed. XI Apprenticeships A. Positions requiring apprentices are the state treasurer, the state editor, the state parliamentarian, and webmaster. B. There may be more than 1 apprentice per related personnel offices. PA XII. DEFINITION OF DUTIES THETA STATE COMMITTEE AND SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIRMEN A. Society Business 1. Finance Committee- meets annually prior to state convention to prepare proposed state budget. The chairman or a designee will present a budget at state convention. The Finance Chairman will arrange for the annual audit of the States books. Following the audit the committee will meet prior to Fall Executive Board Meeting to adjust the budget for board approval. The Finance Committee will meet in March or April on a yearly basis prior to state convention. Communication (if not meeting) should occur after the state audit and before the fall meeting to address budget adjustments needed.

2. Membership Committee- The State Second Vice-President is chairman. The committee advises chapters about recovery of membership pins and promotes membership and chapter strengthening. 3. Nominations Committee- The committee is to search for the best qualified nominees for state offices. A slate is presented in odd numbered years at state convention, ballots are prepared for voting at state convention, the committee counts the ballots, and the chairman announces the new slate of officers. A call for nominations will be placed in the TSN fall issue and on the Theta State website. Nominations Committee will meet between January 7 and January 20 of the year when new officers and elected committee members are to be nominated. 4. Expansion Committee- The committee is to work to solidify existing chapters and encourage establishment of new chapters where feasible in Theta State. 5. Bylaws Committee- The committee will update the Theta State Bylaws, Standing Rules, and Procedures Manual each biennium. It will review chapter rules and request needed revisions. The chairman will submit all changes of the governing documents to the International Constitution Committee and for state publication. 6. Leadership Development Committee- The committee plans and presents a seminar for incoming chapter presidents in even numbered years and for incoming state officers and committee chairmen in odd numbered years. In developing a budget for seminars, the chairman may request from approval from Executive Board to use funds from the Theta State Leadership and/or SW Regional (chapter presidents only) sub-savings accounts. The chairman is responsible for maintaining the pin inventory at no less than 20 pins at any given time. 7. Non-dues Revenue Committee- The committee provides ideas for fund raising for Theta State and the chapters. 8. Communications Committee- promotes print and electronic communication throughout Theta State a) Technology Committee- The committee maintains/oversees Theta State Web Site and the State webmaster. It advises updates of hardware and software for Theta State and maintains an accurate technology inventory. It provides training for new officers and committee chairmen (preferably at Leadership Seminar). b) Public Relations/Red Chili Committee The committee spearheads selection and purchase of state pin(s). The chairman may request approval from Executive Board to use funds from the Theta State pin sub-savings account. c) Editorial Board- supports the function of the State Editor. The printer liaison will have an address in the same county as the Post Office indicia. 9. Ritual/Ceremonies Committee- The committee provides required services as requested by President. It shall be the custodian of the chapter banners and will display them as requested by the President. B. Society Mission and Purposes 1. Educational Excellence Committee- The State First Vice-President is chairman. a) Program Subcommittee- The State First Vice-President is chairman. b) Personal Growth and Services Subcommittee - The subcommittee promotes programs for personal growth and implements state service projects. c) Professional Affairs Subcommittee - The subcommittee selects recipient(s) of B. June West Recruitment Grant. The chairman shall notify all applicants of receipt of paperwork. d) Research Subcommittee - duties as outlined in International Handbook e) Music Subcommittee - The subcommittee provides music at meetings/seminars as requested by President. f) US Forum/Legislative Subcommittee - The subcommittee informs Theta State members about state and national legislative actions that are pertinent to the Society Mission and Purposes and about Society Forum information. It is the liaison to International US Forum Committee.


D. E. F. G. H.

g) Awards Subcommittee - The subcommittee honors membership and service to Theta State. The chairman must communicate with the State President to have an Achievement Award pin available at the State Convention. 2. Scholarship Committee- The subcommittee oversees promotion and awarding of the Theta State Scholarship with particular attention to the three contributing scholarship funds. 3. World Fellowships Committee- The subcommittee promotes membership awareness about International World Fellowships. Special Committees 1. Minutes Approval Committee- The committee shall consist of three (3) Theta State members in good standing. They shall not be voting members of the Executive Board, will attend the meetings to take notes, and will return minutes to the Recording Secretary within the required 14 days. 2. Presidents Resource Committee- The committee consists of past Theta State Presidents and/or Finance Committee Chairmen on whom the current State President may rely for information and guidance. 3. Special Projects Committee- The committee oversees and coordinates the Theta State statewide project, which is proposed and approved at the first Fall Executive Board meeting of each new biennium. This committee promotes chapter awareness and support of the International project(s). Ad Hoc Committee(s)- The committee(s) may be named by the President at any Executive Board Meeting and will function as any other committee/subcommittee. All committee chairmen are expected to attend the Theta State Leadership Seminar the summer prior to the beginning of the new biennium. Reports: ALL committee chairmen are expected to provide a report of the committee business twice each year of the biennium--one for the fall meeting and one for the state convention. Those committees required to send reports to International shall submit them by March 1st. At the end of each biennium, all reports, inventories, and materials pertaining to all committees must be returned to the State President after State Convention and by Leadership Seminar to be passed on to the new biennium chairmen.

XI. EXPENSES OF OFFICERS, RELATED PERSONNEL, AND STATE COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN A. President's Expenses do not include access to the Theta State Officers budget line item. B. Other elected, appointed state officers, immediate Past President and committee chairmen shall be allowed thirty dollars ($30) per night for motel per night for motel when travel is necessary to carry out Society business as designated by the President. C. Elected officers and appointed state officers shall be paid thirty cents ($.30) per mile when travel is necessary to carry out Society business. D. Finance Committee members shall be paid thirty cents ($.30) per mile for one budget planning meeting per annum. E. Nominations Committee members shall be paid thirty cents ($.30) per mile for one meeting per biennium. F. ALL VOUCHERS MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS FOLLOWING ACTIVITY OR EVENT FOR REIMBURSEMENT TO BE VALID. VOUCHERS RECEIVED AFTER THE DEADLINE WILL BE DISALLOWED. G. Reimbursement Procedure 1. Invoices and/or reimbursement requests will be sent to Theta State President who will then forward materials and approval or rejection to Theta State Treasurer. 2. All reimbursements for cash paid out by an individual MUST HAVE RECEIPTS attached. 3. Approved reimbursements will be mailed within 10 days. 4. All personnel will use the correct invoice/reimbursement form(s). available on the state web site

XII. HONORARIUM A. Personnel MUST invoice the President for signature approval by November 1 and May 1. Invoices will be sent to the State Treasurer for payment. B. Honorariums will be paid on December 1 and June 1 C. Honorariums over $500 will be made in two (2) equal payments (Treasurer and Editor) D. Webmaster will be paid once a year on June 1

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