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Akhirah is the belief in life after death. It is one of the main beliefs of Islam. Muslims believe that our life on Earth is simply a preparation for a better life after death.

Before entering the next life, Muslims believe they will appear before Allah to be judged on the way they have lived their lives.

Allah is in control of the world and has given human beings the responsibility to look after it.

Be honest and fair in every aspect of life

Work hard in a job that is acceptable to Allah

Perform every act for the pleasure of Allah

Show kindness to others

To thank Allah for the bounties He has given during the time of welfare.

The belief in that Allah is closer than your jugular vein gives Muslims a great sense of God-consciousness (taqwa). It alters a Muslims motivation for doing things.

To show patience and not to rebel against Allah during the time of shortage and famine Work hard in a job that is acceptable to Allah

Belief in Allah and the hereafter, the land of eternity, is the greatest assistant in renewing peoples hopes, relieving their pains and coping with the difficulties they face. A person with such a belief will show patience against all troubles, will try to overcome the barriers and misfortunes he faces with enthusiasm and hope.

Aids a muslim in hastening towards good deeds. Show kindness and honesty.

Belief in Allah and the hereafter leads man to do good deeds and charities, to avoid evil and bad deeds, to be equipped with high ethics and merits, to fear Allah and to obey the divine criteria imposed by Him in anything he does.

Demonstrates the completeness, greatness, and uniqueness of Allahs Names and attributes.

Increases the love for meeting Allah in the hearts of the believers.

Establishes fear from Allah.

Observe the five pillars of Islam

Learn the Quran

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