Aldrete Score Sheet

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Patient Label

Level of Consciousness
2 = Awake & Alert 1 = Arousable on call 0 = Unarousable

Hemodynamic Stability
2 = Within 20% of pre-op baseline 1 = 20-40% of pre-op baseline 0 = >40% of pre-op baseline

Post-Op Nausea & Vomiting

2 = None or Minimal; treat with PO meds 1 = Moderate; treated with IM/IV meds 0 = Continues after repeated treatment

Post-Op Pain Assessment

Acceptable to patient; None or controlled with PO meds 2 = Yes 1 = No

Physical Activity
2 = Moving all extremities on call 1 = Moves two extremities on call 0 = Unable to move

Oxygen Saturation
2 = SpO2>92% on room air 1 = SpO2>92% on O2 0 = SpO2<92% on O2

Respiratory Stability
2 = Breathes deeply & coughs freely 1 = Dyspneic, or limited breathing 0 = Apneic

____________TOTAL: Score of 14 required




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