Employee Engagement : Is A Way of Life

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Employee Engagement

Is a Way of Life.

An engaged workforce is your only true differentiator.

An alarming 10-20 percent of employees are actively disengaged just putting in the time or worse undermining their organizations and bosses.

There is a big difference between putting in place initiatives to increase employee engagement and truly seeing the payoffs.

While simple in concept, employee engagement is difficult to execute.

Too many believe employee engagement is a short-term fix

Employee engagement is not something that is achieved or finished it is only improved.

What can an organization do to ensure that engagement efforts do not fail? They must remember

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Huge fanfare doesnt build engagement.

Highly visible launches and communication efforts that run for a short period of time wont build an engaged workforce.

There are no start and end dates.

For change efforts to take root, engagement must be a way of life that fosters an environment that provides employees with purpose, direction and inspiration.

Engagement is an ongoing, everyday occurrence that becomes engrained in the companys culture.

There is no magic formula.

Engagement is a journey that starts at the top of the organization and moves its way throughout the business.

One of the biggest mistakes that organizations can make is to let people down after promising to act on initiatives and then nothing happens.

When nothing happens employees become cynical and disengaged. They become barriers to change, as they believe that this is just another initiative that too shall pass.

Are you making engagement a way of life?

For help contact: Judy McLeish @ McDaniel Partners jmcleish@mcdanielpartners.com

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